Catalyst-Swarm / Intersect-Town-Hall

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We need to create an agenda for our first TH #32

Closed VanCardui closed 2 weeks ago

VanCardui commented 2 weeks ago


Internal discussion in Swarm team, 13th June 2024


There is no agenda yet for the first TH We want to ensure it reflects what the community wants to discuss

VanCardui commented 2 weeks ago

Current situation

How we want the current situation to change:

Create an agenda that reflects what the community wants to talk about and what the Swarm team needs to communicate

Who are the stakeholders?


Any previous attempts to address this problem?

Questions and possible approaches:



VanCardui commented 2 weeks ago

We note that we shouldn’t provide the Intersect team with the agenda too early - it needs to be after both of our community planning sessions have taken place, so there is time for proper community input

The TH will start with the introductory material detailed here

what else should be on the agenda?

You get more turnout when people know exactly what it's going to be about.

Marketing team to help us share the agenda in advance of the meeting We have to take the info to them. Optics of sharing it with people rather than expecting them to come to us. - we need to make a point of sharing stuff and bring it to everyone. Format to share the agenda - Twitter, Insta - and a more detailed format. Medium?? Discord Announcements? Webhooks to share it in other Discords.

Scaleable way to do content creation - have an internal core set of content including re-useable stuff. Blog post synopses of what happened (this would be the equivalent of our GitBook summaries)

The "community" is everyone who holds ADA. Cardano has a duty to "be our megaphone" Is the audience really all who have ADA? What is our goal, and what is our capacity

Core messaging that we can break up in to Tweets. Having that mechanism is importtant

Interesct members first, then other audience segments.

Analytics and tracking - collab on this with Marekting people! Should someone else be paying for all this marketing?

Broadcast approach ties in with an open source approach. Layered info - ability to drill down

A funnel?? Drawing people in with increasing barriers of entry Give aspotlight to regular projects that are doing cool stuff - do we need a separate event for that - culture-building event. Is a cultural event more of a one off? Nag, cos clture-building need s to be sustained Hoiw does it scale tho? maybe we get that community feel in ATH breakout rooms

Is TH a "governance meeting"?? separate the themes of governance, and ATH "share your cool stuff"

speed dating in TH, is it fun? random pairs of people for 5 min for them to create strong links (what people do, where they parcipiate in intersect)

whitevo commented 2 weeks ago

Drafted Agenda Doc: