CategoricalData / CQL

Categorical Query Language IDE
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Editor Support: tmBundle for syntax highlighting #41

Open tehprofessor opened 4 years ago

tehprofessor commented 4 years ago


It'd be nice there was a tmBundle (textmate bundle) for hightling cql syntax. It would allow nearly every text editor on the planet to then highlight CQL.

Best, Seve

P.S. I've been looking around to see if there's a tool that'll take the antlr4 code and automagically output one but I haven't yet gotten the parser to build.

wisnesky commented 4 years ago

There is an XML filed used by RSyntaxTextArea's TokenMakerMaker that lists all the CQL keywords that are highlighted in the editor (an RSyntaxTextArea):

If you're willing to create a tmBundle that would be great!

wisnesky commented 3 years ago

Update: there's a new line-by-line tokenizer for syntax highlighting that replaces the tool mentioned above.