Tight Learned Inertial Odometry
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How can we change the time over which we are regressing data? #20

Closed raabuchanan closed 3 years ago

raabuchanan commented 3 years ago

In the paper you introduce a notation of 200hz-05s-3s which you say takes 3s of 200Hz data and regresses the displacement for the last 0.5s

I see options to change the IMU frequency and window size but how can we change the middle number, time over which we regress displacement?

Also is the current settings 200Hz-1s-1s as described in the paper?


nbgit10 commented 3 years ago

My understanding might be incorrect so take this with a grain of salt:

In you can select past_time, window_time and future time. Default is 0-1-0 [s]. That corresponds to the 200Hz-1s-1s mentioned in the paper. Window time defines how much data is taken into account, you have already identified that. Setting future time to a positive value, e.g. 1s, you can predict into the future. I believe, but you would need to check how the windowing is done exactly in, this would then mean that you predict the displacement from the beginning of the window up until 1s into the future. Setting the past time works the same. I believe you would need to set the three to "2.5 - 0.5 - 0" to get the 200Hz-05s-3s of the paper. Again, check for yourself in the init-Method of the FbSequenceDataset where self.index_map is set.

For the frequency, you have identified that already. Just note that the imu_base_freq is actually not a multiple as written in the comment but the frequency of your GT data and imu_freq the frequency of your IMU data. If for inference you want to run that at a different frequency you need to change sample_freq.

CathIAS commented 3 years ago

Thank you @nbgit10 so much for the reply! My sincere apologies for the delay of coming back to this.

The total input to the network has dimension of past_time+window_time+future_time. To get 200hz-05s-3s, set past_time=2.5, window_time=0.5, and future_time=0. The displacement output goes with window_time. Setting future_time to a positive value means taking future data to predict the current window, which makes the system noncausal.

The default setting as past_time=0, window_time=1, and future_time=0 is exactly 200hz-1s-1s.

For the frequency, 200hz comes from imu_freq, however your IMU raw data may be of a higher frequency, and the code allows subsampling (check, this is the imu_base_freq and it has to be a multiple of imu_freq. sample_freq on the other hand, is the frequency of taking window_time data samples for training and testing, and imu_freq has to be a multiple of that.