Cathy-s-Piano-Studio-Wordpress / website

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As a music business owner I am responsible for administrating my page, I want to be able to analyze the page's traffic in order to improve my appearance and adapt to customer needs (analysis). #10

Open AminaElJaadi opened 3 years ago

AminaElJaadi commented 3 years ago

Description Having knowledge about her digital performance gives her a great opportunity to adjust and improve marketing strategies

General definition of done Cathy is approving and understanding how to read the metrics.

sophiekossmann1611 commented 3 years ago

Additional user subtask:

sophiekossmann1611 commented 3 years ago

Sunday 21/03 Creation of an imprint/ legal disclosure page + adding of this page to the menu

NOTE: some information is still required from the client in order to fully fill out all the necessary information


