CatmanFan / FriishProduce

Wii/vWii VC WAD injector
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Global: don't modify/empty Opera.arc (and Opera.arc.zlib) as an emanual file #23

Closed saulfabregwiivc closed 1 year ago

saulfabregwiivc commented 1 year ago

We do this because Opera.arc (including Opera.arc.zlib) mustn't be touched, modified or emptyed by any way, otherwise will cause issues on some WADs, so let's remove that Opera.arc(.zlib) is an emanual file, because it actually isn't.

Small info about Opera.arc:

saulfabregwiivc commented 1 year ago

Also, for "empty" the contents of an emanual file, we can't just leave the file with 0 bytes (very bad mistake). Leaving these with 0 bytes will also cause issues and crashes on some WADs, like it happens right now with Sega Genesis / Sega Mega Drive VC. So, please, instead of leaving the emanual files with 0 bytes, better replace them with a dummy 16 bytes file, with the following bytes: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF

With this, the "empty" emanual files can be get detected without crashing the entire VC emu in most cases.

saulfabregwiivc commented 1 year ago

Another quote from HowardC with .zlib files on CCF archives (Sega VC):


Files with the .zlib extension are NOT zlib files. This is my way of letting the extractor know which files to compress when packing the files back up. You can pretty much ignore the extension and rename the files while working with them.

CatmanFan commented 1 year ago

Closed but not merged as I have already done the changes by myself. Thanks

saulfabregwiivc commented 1 year ago

Added as of commit