CatsArmy / SpaceSunShine

MIT License
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No ladder or lights on the ship + ArgumentException #7

Closed Test-Account666 closed 6 months ago

Test-Account666 commented 6 months ago

Here's the stack trace:

[Error  : Unity Log] ArgumentException: The Object you want to instantiate is null.
Stack trace:
UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate[T] (T original) (at <e27997765c1848b09d8073e5d642717a>:IL_003D)
SpaceSunShine.SpaceSunShine.InitSun () (at ./SpaceSunShine.cs:59)
SpaceSunShine.SpaceSunShine.OnSceneLoaded (UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene scene, UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LoadSceneMode mode) (at ./SpaceSunShine.cs:50)
UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.Internal_SceneLoaded (UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene scene, UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LoadSceneMode mode) (at <e27997765c1848b09d8073e5d642717a>:IL_000E)

Also, when using this mod, there's no ladder or ship light - Even though it is advertised on the thunderstore page

CatsArmy commented 6 months ago


CatsArmy commented 6 months ago

The stuff normally shows up I think the error is causing it to fail at creating the objects

CatsArmy commented 6 months ago


Test-Account666 commented 6 months ago

This hefty modpack is currently myc only one that has SpaceSunShine: 018df074-7f22-1f37-9bff-a26c20e17d1e

Mod List (Includes disabled Mods) BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 sunnobunno-YippeeMod-1.2.4 x753-More_Suits-1.4.1 Sligili-More_Emotes-1.3.3 Sligili-HDLethalCompany-1.5.6 BepInEx_Unofficial-BepInEx_ConfigurationManager-18.1.1 BepInEx_Unofficial-BepInEx_GraphicsSettings-1.3.1 no00ob-LCSoundTool-1.5.1 Clementinise-CustomSounds-2.3.2 2018-LC_API-3.4.5 femboytv-LethalPosters-1.2.0 Evaisa-HookGenPatcher-0.0.5 Evaisa-LethalLib-0.14.2 AnythingGoesGit-MoreDeathNotes-1.4.0 PopleZoo-BetterItemScan-3.0.2 Rune580-LethalCompany_InputUtils-0.6.3 Pooble-LCBetterSaves-1.7.3 x753-Mimics-2.4.1 Frack9-DarkMist-1.3.0 NiceHairs-NuclearLib-1.0.4 HolographicWings-LethalExpansion-1.3.44 zepsun-Conviction-0.0.4 S12Researchers-ResearchStaffSuit-2.5.0 quackinggander-SCPPosters-1.1.1 FEB-SCP_Suits-1.1.0 CTNOriginals-OuterDoorButtons-1.0.2 CTNOriginals-MonitorDoorButtons-1.0.0 SomethingGemstone-HostPermissions-1.0.2 AllToasters-QuickRestart-1.2.0 Reina-QuietRobot-1.1.0 Caigan-Tokucade_Scrap-1.6.0 BeansDev-Neofetch-1.0.5 Jordo-NeedyCats-1.1.1 readboy_and_the_boys-brackensuit-1.0.2 Ozone-Runtime_Netcode_Patcher-0.2.5 freesnow-CollectYourDead-1.0.2 Evaisa-LethalThings-0.9.4 PTTeam-LethalStuff-1.0.0 e3s1-BetterLadders-1.4.2 PotatoePet-AdvancedCompany-1.1.10 AinaVT-LethalConfig-1.3.4 SirTyler-BetterTeleporter-1.2.2 Simplexity-Fix_XP_Divide_By_Zero_Error-1.0.0 ButteryStancakes-AccurateStaminaDisplay-2.0.1 Nebulaetrix-ScanFix-1.0.3 TheDeadSnake-Touchscreen-1.1.0 KlutzyBubbles-InfiniteEmote-1.3.3 ake-CCPSURVEILLANCETURRET-1.0.0 jockie-LethalExpansionCore-1.3.15 Kittenji-Maxwell_ScrapItem-1.0.1 LethalResonance-LETHALRESONANCE-4.2.2 Hypick-Debugify-0.2.0 gamendegamer-Lethal_Admin-1.4.0 Nitero-PossessedMask-1.0.0 OE_Tweaks-Possessed_Masks-2.0.4 NotAtomicBomb-TerminalApi-1.5.2 TheFluff-GetLootForKills-1.2.3 Confusified-KillBind-1.1.3 notnotnotswipez-MoreCompany-1.8.1 HGG-JigglePhysicsPlugin-1.1.2 Mhz-MoreHead-1.2.6 EliteMasterEric-WackyCosmetics-2.0.0 Hexnet111-SuitSaver-1.1.4 Sai-SaiCosmetics-1.1.0 fonnymunkey-SimpleHats-1.0.0 Kats-Some_Suits-1.0.6 Crab_imitation-Reptilian_Suit-1.0.1 GhostbustingTrio-CustomFunSuits-1.8.3 Verity-TooManySuits-1.0.5 Beepsterr-AnnounceMoonChange-1.0.1 Ghostly2243-ShipAmbientSoundsRevamped-1.0.0 IntegrityChaos-Diversity-2.0.1 ViViKo-BetterDecorPlacement-1.2.1 TeamMLC-ModlistHashChecker-0.1.2 Zaggy1024-OpenBodyCams-1.2.10 saint_kendrick-Lethal_Doors-1.0.4 taffyko-QuickQuitToMenu-1.0.1 itsmeowdev-DoorFix-1.0.0 Midnight145-VineBoomFartReplacement-1.0.2 Wolf11221-SpaceShipDoor-1.0.1 lethal_coder-BetterBrackenModel-1.2.4 lethal_coder-BetterCoilheadModel-1.1.4 stormytuna-AllDecorAlways-1.1.0 AgentRev-ShootableMouthDogs-1.0.1 fumiko-CullFactory-0.9.0 Ellena-EllenaLethalScraps-1.0.2 OnionMilk-crosshair-1.0.1 Gloveman23-Scrap_Button_Mod-1.0.6 MrHydralisk-EnhancedRadarBooster-1.6.2 Lordfirespeed-OdinSerializer-2022.11.9 xilophor-LethalNetworkAPI-2.1.6 IAmBatby-LethalLevelLoader-1.1.6 Piggy-LC_Office-1.0.21 TwinDimensionalProductions-CoilHeadStare-1.0.9 Exortile-DangerousApparatus-1.0.0 AmesBoys-ImmortalSnail-0.7.0 Ceelery-Kast-1.0.3 Pareware-Nostromo-1.1.5 sfDesat-Celest-0.2.1 Magic_Wesley-Acidir-4.1.1 Magic_Wesley-Infernis-3.1.0 Magic_Wesley-Etern-3.1.1 Boniato-Ganimedes-2.1.0 Alice-ScarletDevilMansion-1.2.11 SleekTeam-duplictus-1.1.0 twokilohertz-MetricCompany-0.1.1 coderCleric-Poltergeist-0.2.0 DOkge-InventoryFixPlugin-0.0.1 Ryokune-Better_Lobbies-1.1.1 bigmcnugget-VanillaContentExpansion-0.1.8 Woecust-Immersive_Visor-0.2.1 Glitch-RankFix-1.0.2 LeKAKiD-SignalTranslatorAligner-1.1.0 NutNutty-AlwaysPickup-1.2.0 kentrosity-TwoHandedCompany-1.0.0 ShaosilGaming-GeneralImprovements-1.1.9 qwbarch-BarchLib-1.0.0 Bobbie-NAudio-2.2.2 Bobbie-UniTask-2.5.0 qwbarch-Mirage-1.0.16 Fredolx-SignalTranslatorUpgrade-1.0.0 Zaggy1024-PathfindingLagFix-1.2.1 LegoMaster3650-FairGiants-1.0.0 Ex0du5-ForestGiantTitan-1.0.0 veri-ShipWindows-1.3.0 x753-Peepers-0.9.6 Monkeytype-HideChat-1.0.0 kyxino-LethalUtilities-1.2.21 Astanpaeus-CreepySpider-1.0.0 Derply-Yippee_Suit-1.0.0 CatsArmy-SpaceSunShine-1.2.1 Scoliosis-StrangerThingsMod-0.0.32 falcodxb-LessLogs-1.0.1 Hardy-LCMaxSoundsFix-1.1.0 SillySquad-Arachnophilia-1.6.0 CharlesE2-HostFixes-1.0.7 ZG-BetterSpec-1.1.3 Spyci-CozyImprovements-1.2.2 Magic_Wesley-Asteroid13-2.1.1 Magic_Wesley-Gratar-2.1.3 Magic_Wesley-Polarus-2.1.1 SillySquad-BetterTotalScrap-1.1.1 Shinobi-DanceTools-1.1.4 Scintesto-Monster_Plushies-1.1.2 mrov-TerminalFormatter-0.0.7 SolidStone-ShockwaveDroneEnemy-0.3.0 AudioKnight-StarlancerAIFix-3.1.0 CTMods-ChatCommands-1.1.9 Owen3H-CSync-2.0.0 Quadmesh-YippeeKeyMod-1.3.1 5Bit-FPSSpectate-1.0.1 loaforc-loaforcsSoundAPI-0.1.3 SylviBlossom-TerminalConflictFix-1.2.1 thej01-FearOverhauled-1.0.1 AboveFire-NeedyCatsCustomMoons-1.0.0 willis81808-LethalSettings-1.4.0 Kesomannen-KeepItDown-1.2.1 Lexderi-TrueDeathPealty-1.0.0 Dantor-Dantors_Mental_Hospital-1.0.4 TestAccount666-EntranceExitTipChanger-2.0.0 Bobbie-FixRPCLag-1.0.1 linkoid-DissonanceLagFix-1.0.0 Coppertiel-MaskedEnemyOverhaulFork-3.1.990 Magic_Wesley-Cosmocos-1.1.4 Hamunii-JetpackFallFix-2.0.1 Generic_GMD-Generic_Moons-4.0.0 IntegrityChaos-LCCutscene-1.0.0 IntegrityChaos-CustomPostProcessingAPI-1.0.2 xCeezy-LethalEscape-0.8.5 zealsprince-Locker-0.10.0 Agutrot-MolesterLootBug_Fork-1.0.0
CatsArmy commented 6 months ago

ok so thas alot of mods test it out with just my mod and a couple others if u want if it works its probly not my mod causing it not much i can do if people are messin with shit

ZigzagAwaka commented 6 months ago

Hi, this issue is caused by Lethal Expanssion and/or LECore Don't know why but having LE(Core) will make SpaceSunShine do nothing

CatsArmy commented 6 months ago

Le core? Hasn't been updated in a while I'll try to fix it next update though I don't know what the root cause is

CatsArmy commented 6 months ago

Next update I'll auto disabled the lights(not floodlight) when detecting LE or LE core Though the core doesn't add the sunlight that's why I originally made this mod.

ZigzagAwaka commented 6 months ago

It also prevents the outside ladder from spawning... for some reasons

CatsArmy commented 6 months ago

@ZigzagAwaka if you can provide me with more info like mod list or profile file (not code as codes expire) and the log itself if possiable

CatsArmy commented 6 months ago

No that makes sense actually the code goes and executes line by line pretty much and so cus that function error_ed out the rest of the functions aren't called

CatsArmy commented 6 months ago

@ZigzagAwaka can you try changing the config(use old sun) changes it so it works just fine with no issues

CatsArmy commented 6 months ago

i am unable to reproduce this error with this mod and LE , LE core, LE default modules installed please provide me more info about this i am really confused on how this is happening

CatsArmy commented 6 months ago

wait a minuite i think i know why it is happening if i am right about this it should be fixed next update

ZigzagAwaka commented 6 months ago

I can confirm that changing the config "old sun" solved the issue So "Use old sun lighting method" needs to be true when LE or LECore is detected

CatsArmy commented 6 months ago

can you share your mod profile so i can try and recreate the issue or check within the profile it self if the mod has the spacesunshine.lem file in it profile folder/BepInEx/plugins/CatsArmy-SpaceSunShine/spacesunshine.lem

if i am correct the spacesunshine.lem should be missing cus thunderstore be a like that sometimes and if that is the issue i am 100% fixing it next update

ZigzagAwaka commented 6 months ago

There is no issue with spacesunshine.lem, this file exists in the mod folder Here is my mod profile code: 018e2062-2e80-b228-40a7-29392ac6733d (I can't share a profile file because github dosn't support .r2z files)

CatsArmy commented 6 months ago

There is no issue with spacesunshine.lem, this file exists in the mod folder Here is my mod profile code: 018e2062-2e80-b228-40a7-29392ac6733d (I can't share a profile file because github dosn't support .r2z files)

Just confirming that is the same profile that you got the error in

ZigzagAwaka commented 6 months ago

I didn't got any error, but if you change the old sun config back to false it should recreate the issue (no ladder or lights on the ship)

CatsArmy commented 6 months ago

I can't seem to recreate it. did you even get the error? if so send the profile where you got the error @ZigzagAwaka @TheBlackEntity

ZigzagAwaka commented 6 months ago

I already shared my profile. As already mentioned the only thing wrong is the old sun config when set to false (I never cheked if this is the origin of the error, but it is the origin of the issue)

CatsArmy commented 6 months ago

ok i found the root issue [Error : Unity Log] The AssetBundle 'C:\Program Files (x86)\r2modmanPlus-local\LethalCompany\profiles\Z Premium Pack t\BepInEx\plugins\CatsArmy-SpaceSunShine\spacesunshine.lem' can't be loaded because another AssetBundle with the same files is already loaded.

very weird to see taht happen cant even lie working on a fix as my assumption was wrong

CatsArmy commented 6 months ago

should be fixed now i figured out the issue

ZigzagAwaka commented 6 months ago

I can confirm that the last update solved the issue Also thanks for the compatibility option with Celestial tint, I think it's going to be a great match in the near future