Caucasus-Rosetta / Lingua-Corpus

Caucasus languages focused multilingual and monolingual corpuses for Natural Language Processing(NLP)
Apache License 2.0
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CC0 аиқәшаҳаҭрақәа рҩымҭазы #79

Closed danielinux7 closed 3 years ago

danielinux7 commented 3 years ago


Common Voice provides the opportunity to have voice-text database in Abkhazian.


The text provided should be under CC0 license The following materials are possible to have:

  1. Анатоли Лагәлаа
    1. Аамҭа иазымҵәахыз: Ажәеинраалақәа
    2. Аизга. Аҩбатәи атом
    3. Алԥха
    4. Ауаа разқәа: ажәеинраалақәеи апародиақәеи
  2. Дмитри Габелиа
    1. Цәқәырԥамҩак
  3. Леуан Миқаа
    1. Б. Шинкуба. Амшынҵақәа
    2. Бӷажәба Хәыхәыт
    3. Иахьатәи аԥсуа литература


  1. Is not in public domain yet.
  2. is in public domain by author(s).
  3. is in public domain for the following reason: copyright duration This is a viable solution! We spoke with the publisher, and they are releasing ebooks for us in public domain. That is done by adding the following text with CC0 logo to the title and/or copyright page of print work: Ари аусумҭа СС0 1.0 ала иарбоуп. Алицензиа ахҩылаа шәахәаԥшырц азы шәҭал: logo