CauldronDevelopmentLLC / CAMotics

Open-Source Simulation & Computer Aided Machining - A 3-axis CNC GCode simulator
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Call file subroutines with .ngc extension #329

Open 2EyeTec opened 3 years ago

2EyeTec commented 3 years ago

I'm trying to call subroutines, but Camotics is complaining, it can't find any. If I load the program in LinuxCNC (with the subroutines in the specified dir) it's working. I also tried to rename the subroutine from subroutine.ngc to subroutine (like mentioned in another thread). It says "Environment variable GCODE_SCRIPT_PATH not set", so I did a

export GCODE_SCRIPT_PATH=/path/to/subroutines/

But it's still not finding subroutines?! How can I load subroutines?

jcoffland commented 3 years ago

You have to set GCODE_SCRIPT_PATH in the environment CAMotics runs in. You can do so like this:

export GCODE_SCRIPT_PATH=/path/to/subroutines/

The subroutine name and file name must be the same.

2EyeTec commented 3 years ago

Thanks! I got it working.

Regarding the name of the subroutine:

AFAIK I can't use o in my main program (the . is producing an error anyway), but LinuxCNC expects the subroutine name as subroutine.ngc, it can't find subroutine without the ngc. Don't you think LinuxCNC and Camotics should follow the same naming conventions?

jcoffland commented 3 years ago

Yes, I agree. I've modified the code to look for files with or with out the .ngc extension. It will be in the next release. Thanks for the input.