CauldronDevelopmentLLC / CAMotics

Open-Source Simulation & Computer Aided Machining - A 3-axis CNC GCode simulator
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Fixing long splines rendering #367

Open renato-grottesi opened 2 years ago

renato-grottesi commented 2 years ago

The change allows correct rendering of quadratic and cubic splines with more than 4 control points by splitting the spline into segments and evaluating each segment as a quadratic or cubic spline, one at a time.

jcoffland commented 2 years ago

This is looking good. DXFModule::define should also have this code:

  exports.insert("SPLINE_CLOSED",   1 << 0);
  exports.insert("SPLINE_PERIODIC", 1 << 1);
  exports.insert("SPLINE_RATIONAL", 1 << 2);
  exports.insert("SPLINE_PLANAR",   1 << 3);
  exports.insert("SPLINE_LINEAR",   1 << 4);