CauldronDevelopmentLLC / CAMotics

Open-Source Simulation & Computer Aided Machining - A 3-axis CNC GCode simulator
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Suggested Patch to Add Picking To TPL Files #401

Closed 50J0uRNeR closed 10 months ago

50J0uRNeR commented 10 months ago


I've been working on a way to add picking support to TPL files in CAMotics. Unfortunately I could not find a way to sync the gcode stream with the path moves. It would've been nice to see the gcode stream and the picked line in a text tab or console. However I found a really simple way to get picking and the move dock working with TPL. Since this is only a few lines of code I thought it would be easier to post a patch here instead of doing a full pull request. Please let me know if this is inappropriate and I won't do it again ;-)

These patches should work with commit a515a8b:

--- /home/sojourner/Sources/CAMotics/CAMotics/src/gcode/machine/MoveSink.h
+++ /home/sojourner/Sources/CAMotics/CAMotics_PATCHED/src/gcode/machine/MoveSink.h
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@

     bool probePending = false;
     double time = 0;
+    unsigned moveCount = 0;
     cb::SmartPointer<std::string> lastFile;

--- /home/sojourner/Sources/CAMotics/CAMotics/src/gcode/machine/MoveSink.cpp
+++ /home/sojourner/Sources/CAMotics/CAMotics_PATCHED/src/gcode/machine/MoveSink.cpp
@@ -53,14 +53,21 @@
     double feed = rapid ? 10000 : getFeed(); // TODO Get rapid feed from machine

     auto &location = getLocation().getStart();
+    unsigned line = location.getLine();
     SmartPointer<string> filename;

     if (lastFile.isNull() || *lastFile != location.getFilename())
       lastFile = filename = new string(location.getFilename());
     else filename = lastFile;

+    // If no line then pass move count for picking buffer
+    if (line == -1) {
+      line = ++moveCount;
+      filename = new string("GCODE_STREAM");
+    }
     Move move(type, start, end, this->time, get(TOOL_NUMBER, NO_UNITS), feed,
-              getSpeed(), location.getLine(), filename, time);
+              getSpeed(), line, filename, time);

     this->time += move.getTime();


jcoffland commented 10 months ago

This is a reasonable temporary fix. I've incorporated something similar. Thanks!

In general, PRs are preferable.

jcoffland commented 10 months ago

Check out my latest commit. I figured out how to get filename and line number from TPL and implemented improved picking for TPL.

A remaining issue is that there's really a stack of file/line numbers involved in a particular TPL generated move. For example, with the camotics.tpl example that's loaded by default, any clicks in the DXF defined area map somewhere in the built-in library dxf.tpl. It does not highlight line 13 where the dxf.layer_cut() call is made. However, carrying around the entire stack trace for each GCode move could get quite expensive. CAMotics would also start to look like a Javascript debugger.

Actually, this is also true for GCode. You can use O-code functions and call to other files in GCode.

A reasonable option might be to trace each move back to the first line in a file that was included in the project. I probably need to rethink how file locations are handled in CAMotics. Another thing is that GCode that is loaded by a TPL file yields the correct filename and line but the GCode does not get loaded into the editor. (e.g. la_peinture example)

50J0uRNeR commented 10 months ago

That was my original thought, to trace each move back to the original TPL line or at least the generated GCode (and how I might present the GCode in the editor or console). However it was getting more involved into the internals of CAMotics then I currently understand.

Anyway everything seems to test out good on my system, thanks jcoffland!