CauldronDevelopmentLLC / CAMotics

Open-Source Simulation & Computer Aided Machining - A 3-axis CNC GCode simulator
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Simulate dwells (G4 P-) #412

Open ShamanTcler opened 5 months ago

ShamanTcler commented 5 months ago

This may be a "corner case" but I have written a spindle warm up that does not move any of the axis. I expected the code to run, and watch the RPMs to go up and down with time.... but I get nothing.

Code snippet:

(Safe block)
(G20 Units: inches)
(G90 Absolute distance mode)
(G17 work on in the X & Y plane)
(G80 cancel all active canned cycles)
(G40 turn off cutter compensation)
(G49 turn off tool length compensation)
G20 G90 G17 G80 G40 G49 

(Work offset: G54)

(4500 RPM, turn on spindle CW)
S4500 M03 
(Dwell 60 seconds)
G04 X60
(Stop spindle)

(end the program)
jcoffland commented 5 months ago

CAMotics does not currently simulate dwells. Also, the correct code for a dwell is G04 P60.

ShamanTcler commented 5 months ago

Oh how I wish there was an ANSI standard for GCode. Seem some dialects of GCode support something like

G04 X3.5 (dwell 3.5 seconds)

as far as you are concerned, do you support:

G04 P3.5 (dwell 3.5 seconds)                                  <- seems to be a Haas thing

or must it be:

G04 P3500 (dwell 3.5 seconds)
jcoffland commented 5 months ago

Only the middle one.

The GCode supported by CAMotics is described here: There is a GCode standard, RS274/NGC. Not everyone follows it.