Causal-Islands / toronto-2023

Archive of the Causal Islands conference website held in Toronto, April 2023
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End of May 2024 Jekyll Transformation #4

Open bmann opened 3 months ago

bmann commented 3 months ago

I've transformed the site into a Jekyll site in order that the Webflow CMS content can be programmed. There are a variety of items that need fixing or are missing, in part due to shortcuts.


I downloaded the rendered HTML for the front page speakers and for the program page, which need at least the webflow images to be used locally.


The speakers and sessions will need to be transformed into individual posts under _sessions and _speakers so that that a page for each is created and can be linked to.

- [ ] speaker pages are not created

I have started a session type in Jekyll. It relies on info from speaker as well, so both will need to be done.

bmann commented 3 months ago

The fix work is more critical, as it is dependent on the Webflow site remaining up.

bmann commented 3 months ago

We don't need speaker pages, they are the same as session pages. Have started making those session pages, just going to cut and paste the big html into there and it seems to be working.

bmann commented 3 months ago

Old Webflow site up at for reference