CausalRL / DRL

Deconfounding Reinforcement Learning in Observational Settings
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Is dataset available? #2

Open leekwoon opened 5 years ago

leekwoon commented 5 years ago

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './dataset/training_data.npz'

where can i download the data?


NaveenVSrinivasan commented 4 years ago

I believe the dataset is unavailable which is unfortunate. Lu et al. created three different deconfounding baselines by modifying the MNIST dataset and two Open AI gym environments, but were unable to provide the code for their modifications here. Would it be possible to have these environments added to this repo for the community?

jbdatascience commented 2 years ago

I also would like to try running this repo, but I am missing these data and environments so I am not able to do so. Can they be made available ? Thx 🙏

Aymen-dev-ma commented 2 months ago

Any update about the datasets?