CaveArnold / Sequence

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Rule ACH Transfer Fails #20

Open CaveArnold opened 3 months ago

CaveArnold commented 3 months ago

Cave — 05/16/2024 9:38 PM Rule ACH Transfer Fails 🪲 : Can someone tell me what the details of this error are? I tried this several times tonight and it always gives this network error has occurred. Contact support for more details. Thanks!


Cave — 05/17/2024 10:48 AM I tried again just now and it still fails. I removed all the conditions from the rule to eliminate any issue trying to validate. It just does a transfer fixed amount of $500.00 no limits. The target is a Pod.

I do see the two SMS messages that follow. The second has a rule "undefined"? It is almost like the rule itself is lost in execution of the transfer?

Hi Samuel, We activated your rule "At 12:00 AM, only on Friday transfer from 🤖Wealthfront - Cave's Investment Cash to 🗠: Virtual Cash Flow Meter", 1 out of the 1 transfer was created.. 10:39 AM

Hi Samuel, We tried to activate your rule "undefined", but it has failed due to an error. Therefore, no funds have been transferred. 10:40 AM

Cave — 05/17/2024 11:06 AM Odd thing is I have other rules that use the same source depository account and they work. The target in this case is also a pod which seems more under Sequence control? Will wait and see what the diagnosis is.

It would be nice to have the option, maybe a user setting or a button on the error pane, to see all the gory error details ourselves. Might be able to find a clue to assist in the diagnosis. 😀

Cave — 05/17/2024 1:02 PM I understand this was showing as a timeout for this ACH withdrawal.

Another bit of detail that may or may not be related. I have noticed today that each time I edit a rule, or an account in sequence when I exit the dialog all my accounts show balance unknown until I click on refresh in the browser [at least the last 10 times]. Previously I have seen this state occur but in very rare conditions and maybe once a week I would hit this particular state. Today it seems constant.

As another data point, I manually transferred cash to that same Wealthfront cash account this morning from Sequence and it worked in Sequence AND it was an immediate deposit, which was unexpected, but I confirmed it actually arrived at Wealthfront in a matter of a minute or less! See the screenshot below.


FYI: This is a screenshot of the immediate transfer this morning. I used the Manual transfer option in Sequence rules activity log.


Cave — 05/17/2024 10:51 PM Later I tried to make a change to the target account and could not save the rule. I finally just deleted and recreated it .

Afterward the rule ran fine. Weird series of events.

I next began trying to run a second rule transferring from the same source account and posting to a different target. I have verified that I can transfer three amounts to two different targets at approximately the same time. I am not certain what is happening. I tried many variations on the rule. I removed the ELSE. I removed the Conditions. I deleted the trigger rule and created a date rule, still with only the action. These all went to pending for about 30 seconds and then failed.

They all say ask support for details. I was wondering if you could look at all the timestamped transfers that failed and see what error or errors are occurring and let me know what they are.

Screenshot 2024-05-21 230101

I am waiting for the one current ACH transfer from this source account to complete and then I will try this rule again.

In the meantime I am performing a number of scheduled compound transfers between other accounts. image

Cave — 05/23/2024

I also requested multiple small transfers from Wealthfront to Discover using the Wealthfront interface. All three of these successfully posted in 24 hours. image

Tonight I tried to rune the rule again and was told by Esteban the error was due to the length of the rule name being more than 80 characters and that this should be corrected by next week.

I shortened the rule name and tried again and got the same error. Esteban said this time Plaid was having difficulties.

I decided to stress test the rule and set it up to run every 15 minutes for three hours. The results in the activity log are shown here: Screenshot 2024-05-23 213309 Screenshot 2024-05-23 213336

Only 1/3 of the requests for transfer succeeded in staying in a pending state. 5 Pending / 10 Error. The distribution is also skewed.

Please consider retry logic as a workaround for Plaids inconsistent interface responses.

If the call to Plaid to create an ACH transfer fails then wait 5 minutes and retry the same request.

This could be done 12 times and then the rule could legitimately fail and send an error message.

If the initial call to Plaid times out or returns some other error then the Rule Status should change to Retry 1/12, etc.

Rule Automatic Retry Dialog

CaveArnold commented 3 months ago

My original rule ran tonight but did not generate transfers. It calculated the correct amount needed to transfer, but failed fast. six times at ~ 5 minute intervals. I had change the rule name back to the longer one assuming that this had been fixed. It apparently has not.

I changed to a short rule name @ 11:56 then re-ran at 11:57. It now went to pending for ~ 1-2 minutes then failed. I ran the rule trigger again at 11:59 and it went to pending and stayed more than 15 minutes. In my experimenting earlier when it stays in pending for 5 minutes it will continue to success.

Ultimately I needed to re-trigger the rule eight times to make a successful transfer. It would have been two times if I had known the rule length error had not been corrected.


CaveArnold commented 3 months ago

6/5/2024 Update: I tried tonight with the long rule name and it failed. After changing to a short name though both the Sequence transfers worked as expected. I am not certain if this was luck or if you have made improvements to the interface or if Plaid was having a good day! I wanted to update you with the good news. I will continue to monitor this compound transfer closely for the next few months. Thanks for all your efforts to make Sequence a great reliable product! 🎉
