CaveSurveying / CUCCexposurveyissues

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264 - Balkonhöhle - To do list #17

Open georgebreley opened 6 years ago

georgebreley commented 6 years ago


Upper level - Balcon1623-uppertunnbalc Tunneling of stuff from 2018 and earlier

Mid level - Balcon1623-midtunnbalc Tunneling of stuff from 2018

Lower level Balcon1623-lowertunnbalc Tunneling of stuff from 2018

Far North (some stray legs with no drawing - unsure about this one, mostly 2015/16 - possible waste of time)

Southern Shite

The Grand Shitshow (area above Galactica)


The Mysterious East

Western Passages - beyond Cathedral Chasm etc.

goatchurchprime commented 6 years ago

I'm going to reimport all of balconyhohle onto a fresh centreline with corrected dogend data

BeckaLawson commented 6 years ago

Just spotted the Consolidation cock-up. Blame Andrew Atkinson and his paperless surveying that means we never got a drawn up plan :-) OK, Consolidation, Above Frozen North and One Shot Wonder all look like they need drawing up

BeckaLawson commented 6 years ago

Rob Watson - Double Scoop and Double Scoop2 need drawing up - that's you from 2016!