Cavewhere / cavewhere

3D Cave Mapping Software
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Cavewhere versions of cavern explodes with EG3 survex file. #130

Open balister opened 6 years ago

balister commented 6 years ago

[balister@thuvia ElvisGrotto3 (master )]$ ~/src/git/build-cavewhere-Desktop-Debug/qtc_Desktop-debug/cavern.qtc_Desktop/cavern EG3.svx gives: Survey contains 1097 survey stations, joined by 1134 shots. There are 38 loops. Total length of survey shots = 3853.68Tape reading may not be omitted /home/balister/src/git/build-cavewhere-Desktop-Debug/qtc_Desktop-debug/cavern.qtc_Desktop/cavern: Bug in program detected! Please report this to the authors [balister@thuvia ElvisGrotto3 (master )]$

Recent cavern says:

Survey contains 1097 survey stations, joined by 1134 shots. There are 38 loops. Total length of survey shots = 3853.68m (3853.56m adjusted) Total plan length of survey shots = 3592.29m Total vertical length of survey shots = 811.12m Vertical range = 99.54m (from eg3.a1 at 0.00m to eg3.l3 at -99.54m) North-South range = 653.10m (from eg3.m16 at 55.54m to eg3.k23 at -597.56m) East-West range = 321.06m (from eg3.fx7 at 208.42m to eg3.f139 at -112.65m)

balister commented 6 years ago

OK, Ollie suggested the funny message might be from using the wrong message file. I removed the installed survex message files and cavern runs now.

[balister@thuvia ElvisGrotto3 (master *)]$ ~/src/git/build-cavewhere-Desktop-Debug/qtc_Desktop_Debug/install-root/cavern EG3.svx

Switched to install-root to pick up message files from local build. Total length of survey legs = 3853.68m (3853.56m adjusted) Total plan length of survey legs = 3592.29m Total vertical length of survey legs = 811.12m Vertical range = 99.54m (from at 653.10m to at 321.06m) 116 1-nodes. 821 2-nodes. 133 3-nodes. 25 4-nodes. 1 5-node. 1 6-node. CPU time used 0.02s Done. There were 189 warning(s).

balister commented 6 years ago

But, I still can't get the import to work. No messages at all now. Cave is -1 feet long.

balister commented 6 years ago

A clue from the console: `Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged. Plot Sauce XML parse error: "unexpected end of file" ""


vpicaver commented 4 years ago

Have you tried the latest master?

vpicaver commented 4 years ago

So it looks like the MT survey was surveyed in percent. CaveWhere currently doesn't support percent for clino readings. I'll have to add that to the todo list.

vpicaver commented 4 years ago

Also it appears that the units are all in meters instead of the correct units that were surveyed.