Cazadorsniper / PO3

Project Ozone 3
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Suggestion: Add Ember (Crystal / Shard / Grit) to Magneticraft Sieve #1655

Closed j-p-t-programming closed 2 years ago

j-p-t-programming commented 2 years ago

Pack Version: 3.4.6 Pack Mode (All): All play modes

Description: In all modes you can take Archaic Bricks and use them in a Sluice box to get ember shards. However the upgraded magneticraft sieve does not include a recipe for ember shards. It takes quite a bit more setup for the sieve compared to the ember bore so i think the reward of getting the shards where ever you want would be justified.

Just to make things easier i tried it myself to see if it works and added the following to scripts\all_modes\all_magneticraft.zs

//sieve mods.magneticraft.Sieve.addRecipe(, , 1.0, , 0.5, , 0.25, 50.0, true);

You can even maybe add ember dust to the recipe for the sieve to ensure that an operational ember bore has been created.