Cazadorsniper / PO3

Project Ozone 3
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Hot liquids don't work with crucibles in latest update. #1665

Closed stelioshah closed 2 years ago

stelioshah commented 2 years ago

Hey, last time I played the mod pack was on 3.3.61. I am currently playing on 3.4.8. On this version no liquid apart from lava works as a heat source for crucibles. No block even compares to pyrotheum. Why is that? The rate stays at 0 when using any liquid apart from lava.

Cazadorsniper commented 2 years ago

Reinstall the pack.

stelioshah commented 2 years ago

I have tried this on 2 different pcs and on a server. It will just not function (I am playing on mythic mode if that makes any difference). Blocks such as blaze mesh work correctly. It is just liquids that don't work. Are you sure it works as intended?

Cazadorsniper commented 2 years ago

all items that are included in heating crucibles, { "minecraft:torch": 1, "minecraft:fire": 4, "minecraft:flowing_lava": 3, "minecraft:lava": 3, "botania:quartztypeblaze":10, "bigreactors:blockyellorium": 20, "botania:blazeblock":30, "bigreactors:blockblutonium": 40, "bigreactors:blockludicrite": 60, "natura:nether_heat_sand:0": 120, "draconicevolution:draconic_block": 480, "avaritia:block_resource:1": 1000 }