Cazadorsniper / PO3

Project Ozone 3
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Game crashes instantly on world load #1668

Open Septerjj opened 2 years ago

Septerjj commented 2 years ago

Pack Version: [PO3-3.4.8] Pack Mode: Normal Singleplayer, Multiplayer, or LAN?: Singleplayer

Description: Game crashes to launcher as soon as I load my world. Creating a completely new world and joining that results in no problems at all.

Steps to reproduce: Don't know what is causing the issue so i do not know.

Crash log (use pastebin or issue will be closed):

Cazadorsniper commented 2 years ago

What were you doing before the game crashed? Note: You should decrease the amount of ram you have allocated to minecraft.

Septerjj commented 2 years ago

I have figured out what was causing the issue. For some reason armorplus causes the errors and thus crashes but i have been unable to replicate the crashes now. I have loaded the world without armorplus and its fine and even after i reinstall armorplus and replace all the old armorplus blocks i had in my base and essentially remake everything i had it still doesnt crash anymore weirdly enough. Also why should i decrease the allocated ram?

Cazadorsniper commented 2 years ago

PO3 doesn't need that much. Only needs about 6 to 8Gb. and you have -Xmx17088m which is about 16Gb.

4censord commented 2 years ago

I think I have had the same issue as well.

What were you doing before the game crashed?

It did not crash for me, I closed the game normally, and next time i tried to load it, it crashed on load.

Removing armorplus, loading the world, saving, and re-adding armorplus fixed it.

4censord commented 2 years ago

It has happened again.

Same story, no crash. I exited the game normally, and when I came back it crashed on load.

I have checked my backups, and have isolated the one from before and after when it started to crash. It started almost 5h earlier.

The worlds are 500Mb each. If someone wants to do some more investigating, I can provide the files.

The same remove and reading of armorplus fixes it again.

4censord commented 2 years ago

After having it happen again after replacing the workbenches, i did some more research.

With some world edit I confirmed that the problem seems to be the workbenches.

found this: so the bug is known, but will not be fixed as the 1.12 version is no longer supported.