Cazadorsniper / PO3

Project Ozone 3
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Draconic Evolution Dislocator Bug when teleporting between Dimensions #1679

Open AlveusC opened 1 year ago

AlveusC commented 1 year ago

Pack Version: 3.4.4-3.4.9 Pack Mode (Normal, Titan, Kappa, Mythic): Kappa Singleplayer, Multiplayer, or LAN?: Singleplayeer

Description: When using the dislocators to teleport between dimensions I'm always looking in the "wrong" direction. Most of the time I'm looking straight up but sometimes I'm looking at an 90° degree angle to how I bound the dislocator. Im never looking in the righ direction to how i bound it. It seems to me that it has something to do with loading the world. Cause if I'm using the dislocator while beeing in the same dimension the dislocator works just fine and I'm looking in the direction I bound it to. It tested the dislocator in different versions, worlds and dimensions and it's always the same problem

Steps to reproduce: Grab 2 Dislocators, bind one to where ur standing, go to the Nether, bind one of them there, use the Dislocators to teleport between dimensions

This is my "2nd" thread with the same problem cause the 1st one diddnt really seem to worrk right - so please dont delete this one and sorry for the hastle xD

Id be happy to know if this bug is "normal" or if i did something wrong on my end

Cazadorsniper commented 1 year ago

Likely a bug, but I can't do anything about it.

AlveusC commented 1 year ago

Hey, thank u for ur quick answer. It isnt a huge problem for me so im fine with it but out of curiosity - do u know any possible solutions (for example reinstalling the modpack) for this or a workaround? kind regards

Cazadorsniper commented 1 year ago

Only work around i can think of is using waystones.