Cazadorsniper / PO3

Project Ozone 3
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Fluid pumps from industrial foregoing caused server to go into a crash loop. #1693

Open Novattz opened 1 year ago

Novattz commented 1 year ago

Use the search function before reporting to see if the issue has been reported before.

Pack Version: 3.4.9 Pack Mode: Normal LAN

Description: I have my own server hosted on my local network and i just got started going into making Gray plastic from PneumaticCraft. I went into twilight forest and started pumping oil in order to make said plastic and the server crashed. After i restarted it still kept crashing.

Steps to reproduce: Fluid Pump from industrial foregoing (might need to use more i used 3) (Optional: +8 Range upgrade, speed upgrades from tesla.) i used a enderio dimensional transceiver from EnderIO and redstone energy fluxduct's from thermal dynamics.

Crash logs:

Note: It took sometime before the crash to kick in so i have no idea whats causing it.