Cazadorsniper / PO3

Project Ozone 3
42 stars 14 forks source link

Questions & Suggestions #1742

Open Zhaocl1997 opened 1 year ago

Zhaocl1997 commented 1 year ago

Hi, PO3 developers and players. I think PO3 is the best modpack in 1.12, after when I've played like 4 or 5 popular modpacks in 1.12.

I have already finished the KAPPA mode and I'm currently playing MYTHIC mode. I got some questions and suggestions for you guys.

Questions for the dev:

  1. Is prism designed to able to be transformed by wand of animation? I firstly assumed that prism is like chaos plank that cannot be transformed, otherwise prism means not that much in the late game of mythic mode.

  2. Is 3.4.11F's F means final? PO3 won't update anymore?


  1. For the dev teams of PO3, is that possible to add the PackagedAuto / PackagedExCrafting / PackagedAstral / PackagedDraconic mods in MYTHIC mode? These all come from the same author and I think the author's goal is make the crafting in the late game of big modpacks like PO3 a lot easier, which I think can be added for the player to automate the late game items.It greatly improves my late game experience and I wanna share to you guys. Of course if you dev teams can add these mods, please change the recipe of the items cause it's quite simple to craft. ( By the way, if you dev teams are working a higher version of minecraft modpacks, I heard that PNZ? Please try to add these mods and have a look, I think it's just great. In discord I've seen the author maybe think about PackagedCreate, well that would be a whole Packaged family, haha )

  2. For the players of the PO3, I think I can share a problem that when you have the equivalent integrations transmutation chamber connected to the ae2 system. I've left comments in the issue of equivalent integrations, see here

Cazadorsniper commented 1 year ago

F does mean final. Prism was just there to combine the separate gems into 1 block really.

Zhaocl1997 commented 1 year ago

OK, got it. Looking forward to PNZ!