Closed Anarchon-D closed 5 years ago
Needs more allocated ram for minecraft to use.
so how do I fix it. just like that other post i have 16G of ram. but just linking that other post isn't enough for me.... I don't have any clue where this profile config file is.
nevermind i think i found it. it's on the Twitch program itself.
Pack Version: PO3-3.0.40 Singleplayer, Multiplayer, or LAN?: Singleplayer Description: Loads halfway no problem, then around 75% it slows down Severely. The program stops responding a couple times momentarily, then at around 95% complete, it fully crashes. Steps to reproduce: Opened Twitch Apps, Clicked on Minecraft, went to the Mods sections, downloaded the current version of PO3, installed it and clicked play. I have never gotten past the ping pong challenge.... do I have to beat the opponent in order to play the game? lol kidding. But yeah, 3 times in a row tonight exact same thing. Takes around 15-20 minutes loading to get to the point that it crashes. Crash log (use pastebin or similar): Details: The game crashed whilst there was a severe problem during mod loading that has caused the game to fail Error: net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoaderExceptionModCrash: Caught exception from Just Enough Items (jei)
Crash Report: (txt file below) crash-2019-06-15_04.42.11-client.txt
Hope that helps. and JSYK I'm running 16G ram, so thats definitely not an issue.
Thanks, Scott