Cdiscount / API-MarketPlace-SDK-PHP

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Fix GetFulfilmentDeliveryDocumentResult filename case issue #32

Closed ncharlot closed 6 years ago

ncharlot commented 6 years ago

Fix fatal on case sensitive file systems:

Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'vendor/cdiscount/sdkphpapi/sdk/src/core/Fulfilment/GetFulfilmentDeliveryDocumentResult.php' (include_path='.:') in vendor/cdiscount/sdkphpapi/sdk/autoload.php on line 270
rmalodobry commented 6 years ago

+1 very easy bug to fix, please merge quickly it's fatal error

smoczynski commented 6 years ago

thats very important fix.. please merge asap

gralec99 commented 6 years ago

+1, sorry for my english

bnowak commented 6 years ago

+1 this basic bug makes this SDK unusable

gcmikolaj commented 6 years ago


ncharlot commented 6 years ago

If you can't wait for the merge, clone my fork:

guillaumecochard commented 6 years ago

It's merged