I'm having convergence issues using the threshold link for a binary (0,1) outcome. In order to avoid numerical problems, my time variable has been centered around 0 and rescaled so that it ranges from -2 to 2. I was able to fit models with up to 3 classes. Models with 4 classes and 5 classes did not converge.
Here's the summary for the model with 4 classes and 5 classes respectively :
cannabis_f4 = gridsearch(rep = 100, maxiter = 15, minit = cannabis_f1,
m=lcmm(dayweek_cannabis ~ poly(temps, degree = 3, raw = TRUE),
subject = "ID", ng = 4, data = subset(traj_long, sex == 2),
mixture = ~ poly(temps, degree = 3, raw = TRUE),
link = "thresholds"))
General latent class mixed model
fitted by maximum likelihood method
lcmm(fixed = dayweek_cannabis ~ poly(temps, degree = 3, raw = TRUE),
mixture = ~poly(temps, degree = 3, raw = TRUE), subject = "ID",
ng = 4, link = "thresholds", data = subset(traj_long, sex ==
Statistical Model:
Dataset: subset(traj_long, sex == 2)
Number of subjects: 417
Number of observations: 1960
Number of observations deleted: 125
Number of latent classes: 4
Number of parameters: 19
Link function: thresholds
Iteration process:
Maximum number of iteration reached without convergence
Number of iterations: 100
Convergence criteria: parameters= 5e-06
: likelihood= 7.7e-05
: second derivatives= 1
Goodness-of-fit statistics:
maximum log-likelihood: -624.73
AIC: 1287.46
BIC: 1364.09
Discrete posterior log-likelihood: -624.73
Discrete AIC: 1287.46
Mean discrete AIC per subject: 1.5437
Mean UACV per subject: 1246.167
Mean discrete LL per subject: -1.4982
Maximum Likelihood Estimates:
Fixed effects in the class-membership model:
(the class of reference is the last class)
cannabis_f5 = gridsearch(rep = 100, maxiter = 15, minit = cannabis_f1,
m=lcmm(dayweek_cannabis ~ poly(temps, degree = 3, raw = TRUE),
subject = "ID", ng = 5, data = subset(traj_long, sex == 2),
mixture = ~ poly(temps, degree = 3, raw = TRUE),
link = "thresholds"))
General latent class mixed model
fitted by maximum likelihood method
lcmm(fixed = dayweek_cannabis ~ poly(temps, degree = 3, raw = TRUE),
mixture = ~poly(temps, degree = 3, raw = TRUE), subject = "ID",
ng = 5, link = "thresholds", data = subset(traj_long, sex ==
Statistical Model:
Dataset: subset(traj_long, sex == 2)
Number of subjects: 417
Number of observations: 1960
Number of observations deleted: 125
Number of latent classes: 5
Number of parameters: 24
Link function: thresholds
Iteration process:
Maximum number of iteration reached without convergence
Number of iterations: 100
Convergence criteria: parameters= 5.6e-06
: likelihood= 4.1e-07
: second derivatives= 1
Goodness-of-fit statistics:
maximum log-likelihood: -619.99
AIC: 1287.97
BIC: 1384.77
Discrete posterior log-likelihood: -619.99
Discrete AIC: 1287.97
Mean discrete AIC per subject: 1.5443
Mean UACV per subject: 865.4495
Mean discrete LL per subject: -1.4868
Maximum Likelihood Estimates:
Fixed effects in the class-membership model:
(the class of reference is the last class)
I'm having convergence issues using the threshold link for a binary (0,1) outcome. In order to avoid numerical problems, my time variable has been centered around 0 and rescaled so that it ranges from -2 to 2. I was able to fit models with up to 3 classes. Models with 4 classes and 5 classes did not converge.
Here's the summary for the model with 4 classes and 5 classes respectively :
cannabis_f4 = gridsearch(rep = 100, maxiter = 15, minit = cannabis_f1, m=lcmm(dayweek_cannabis ~ poly(temps, degree = 3, raw = TRUE), subject = "ID", ng = 4, data = subset(traj_long, sex == 2), mixture = ~ poly(temps, degree = 3, raw = TRUE), link = "thresholds")) summary(cannabis_f4)
General latent class mixed model fitted by maximum likelihood method
lcmm(fixed = dayweek_cannabis ~ poly(temps, degree = 3, raw = TRUE), mixture = ~poly(temps, degree = 3, raw = TRUE), subject = "ID", ng = 4, link = "thresholds", data = subset(traj_long, sex == 2))
Statistical Model: Dataset: subset(traj_long, sex == 2) Number of subjects: 417 Number of observations: 1960 Number of observations deleted: 125 Number of latent classes: 4 Number of parameters: 19
Link function: thresholds
Iteration process: Maximum number of iteration reached without convergence Number of iterations: 100 Convergence criteria: parameters= 5e-06 : likelihood= 7.7e-05 : second derivatives= 1
Goodness-of-fit statistics: maximum log-likelihood: -624.73
AIC: 1287.46
BIC: 1364.09
Maximum Likelihood Estimates:
Fixed effects in the class-membership model: (the class of reference is the last class)
intercept class1 0.36020
intercept class2 0.15861
intercept class3 1.43669
Fixed effects in the longitudinal model:
intercept class1 (not estimated) 0
intercept class2 -7.24835
intercept class3 -0.00151
intercept class4 1.53084
poly(...)1 class1 -0.59227
poly(...)1 class2 5.07309
poly(...)1 class3 0.00543
poly(...)1 class4 0.05678
poly(...)2 class1 -0.00806
poly(...)2 class2 1.64595
poly(...)2 class3 -3.30952
poly(...)2 class4 0.02355
poly(...)3 class1 0.08052
poly(...)3 class2 -1.24457
poly(...)3 class3 1.40177
poly(...)3 class4 0.06487
Residual standard error (not estimated) = 1
Parameters of the link function:
thresh. parm1 0.73177
cannabis_f5 = gridsearch(rep = 100, maxiter = 15, minit = cannabis_f1, m=lcmm(dayweek_cannabis ~ poly(temps, degree = 3, raw = TRUE), subject = "ID", ng = 5, data = subset(traj_long, sex == 2), mixture = ~ poly(temps, degree = 3, raw = TRUE), link = "thresholds")) summary(cannabis_f5)
General latent class mixed model fitted by maximum likelihood method
lcmm(fixed = dayweek_cannabis ~ poly(temps, degree = 3, raw = TRUE), mixture = ~poly(temps, degree = 3, raw = TRUE), subject = "ID", ng = 5, link = "thresholds", data = subset(traj_long, sex == 2))
Statistical Model: Dataset: subset(traj_long, sex == 2) Number of subjects: 417 Number of observations: 1960 Number of observations deleted: 125 Number of latent classes: 5 Number of parameters: 24
Link function: thresholds
Iteration process: Maximum number of iteration reached without convergence Number of iterations: 100 Convergence criteria: parameters= 5.6e-06 : likelihood= 4.1e-07 : second derivatives= 1
Goodness-of-fit statistics: maximum log-likelihood: -619.99
AIC: 1287.97
BIC: 1384.77
Maximum Likelihood Estimates:
Fixed effects in the class-membership model: (the class of reference is the last class)
intercept class1 -1.00659
intercept class2 -0.94201
intercept class3 -2.31037
intercept class4 -1.89423
Fixed effects in the longitudinal model:
intercept class1 (not estimated) 0
intercept class2 -3.43443
intercept class3 0.62379
intercept class4 -0.92938
intercept class5 -5.26121
poly(...)1 class1 -0.55263
poly(...)1 class2 0.30553
poly(...)1 class3 -0.43885
poly(...)1 class4 1.01384
poly(...)1 class5 3.10987
poly(...)2 class1 -0.03367
poly(...)2 class2 -0.86678
poly(...)2 class3 0.33195
poly(...)2 class4 2.96298
poly(...)2 class5 0.98247
poly(...)3 class1 0.08350
poly(...)3 class2 -0.04108
poly(...)3 class3 0.92971
poly(...)3 class4 -1.39468
poly(...)3 class5 -0.77818
Residual standard error (not estimated) = 1
Parameters of the link function:
thresh. parm1 0.57553