CedArctic / Chimera

System Remote Control Discord Bot written in Python discord.py
MIT License
87 stars 23 forks source link

Camera control #13

Closed vfcoelho closed 5 years ago

vfcoelho commented 5 years ago

Added camera control capabilities.

Unfortunatelly, the lib has a bug that prevents camera release after it's been used. As a workaround, I start a new process to take pictures and capture videos. When the new process is finished, the camera is released.

Also, had some trouble in finding a way to capture photos in different sizes, but I believe that as a first version of the feature, this is ok.

CedArctic commented 5 years ago

@vfcoelho yet another cool idea for Chimera! I see you've also made some minor welcome changes to your previous module. I fixed the accidental change in the dependencies of the screenshot module. I think your PR is ready to be merged. Thank you for yet another awesome contribution!

vfcoelho commented 5 years ago

Oh yeah! I guess I changed the wrong comments section there. Sorry and thanks for correcting it! =D