CedArctic / Chimera

System Remote Control Discord Bot written in Python discord.py
MIT License
87 stars 23 forks source link

Linux-compatible media control, logging and file management features added #16

Closed vfcoelho closed 5 years ago

vfcoelho commented 5 years ago

Did some refacotring on media control dependencies and it is now linux-friendly

vfcoelho commented 5 years ago

Tested on Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS No idea if other linux distributions have different codes...

vfcoelho commented 5 years ago

Also added a semaphore for shared memory management between threads of different commands, which will be useful in future development

CedArctic commented 5 years ago

@vfcoelho Wow that's a ton of great changes! Sorry for the late reply, things have been a bit busy around here lately. I'll dig into the code ASAP and let you know my thought. Thanks for contributing once more! 😄

CedArctic commented 5 years ago

@vfcoelho Everything seems in order. This is a massive step forward! Thank you so much for your PR! I'm merging the request. 😄