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Sauron-SEM connection #89

Open odartsi opened 1 month ago

bernardusrendy commented 2 weeks ago

so you dont need sauron to test the RPC you can do it directly in the SEM PC

if you can manage to run all functions in the PhenomDriver class from the PhenomDevice that uses the RPC, that would be great!

because in principle we use the RPC so this can be run easily, but there are few functions that have problems such as ones where they return enum classes like InstrumentMode

basically making unit test for PhenomDevice class, and changing PhenomDriver whenever needed to satisfy RPC limitations (e.g., no enum return, etc.)

you will see the RPC limitations once you run the methods in PhenomDriver through PhenomDevice !

steps (all done in SEM PC):

  1. run the rpc server (server.py) in a gitcmd
  2. add methods in PhenomDevice that runs methods in PhenomDriver
  3. open another gitcmd (Phenomtest or phenomtest environment [delete one of this I guess? why we have two])
  4. use the other gitcmd to instantiate PhenomDevice by importing it from alab_one run each methods you added in step number 2

Note: when I say PhenomDriver here is the one in alab_control, and PhenomDevice is in alab_one which uses the PhenomDriver as a self.driver attribute

odartsi commented 1 week ago

sorry, i missed this ticket, I use a new one in #90