CedricGuillemet / ImGuizmo

Immediate mode 3D gizmo for scene editing and other controls based on Dear Imgui
MIT License
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The vertical scrollbar of ImSequencer is not displayed #208

Open qoyooo opened 2 years ago

qoyooo commented 2 years ago

When drag the mouse on the right edge, the items can be scrolled, but scrollbar is not shown. please refer to the video attached below:


moebiussurfing commented 2 years ago

Hello @qoyooo , Sorry to invade your topic... but, Do you have some code to help a bit on ImSequencer? I am super stuck and I don't know where to start from to make something reusable…

qoyooo commented 2 years ago

@moebiussurfing please refer to https://github.com/qoyooo/gltfViewer.

moebiussurfing commented 2 years ago

Thanks @qoyooo , I compiled your code and it works.

But I dont know how to see the curves or to read the code to learn how to read the frame values for each param...

I can edit e.g the position in a frame, but can't see the curves or keyframes..

It's maybe here where you read the current frame values for each parameter?

       if (selectedEntry >= 0 && selectedEntry < mySequence.GetItemCount()) {
            uint32_t index = mySequence.animation->channels[selectedEntry].samplerIndex;
            // switch (mCurrentGizmoOperation) {
            // case ImGuizmo::OPERATION::TRANSLATE:
                ImGui::InputFloat3(ICON_MDI_ARROW_ALL "Location", glm::value_ptr(mySequence.animation->samplers[index].outputsVec4[currentFrame]));
            //     break;
            // case ImGuizmo::OPERATION::ROTATE:
                ImGui::InputFloat4(ICON_MDI_ROTATE_ORBIT "Rotation", glm::value_ptr(mySequence.animation->samplers[index].outputsVec4[currentFrame]));
            //     break;
            // case ImGuizmo::OPERATION::SCALE:
                ImGui::InputFloat3(ICON_MDI_ARROW_EXPAND_ALL "Scale", glm::value_ptr(mySequence.animation->samplers[index].outputsVec4[currentFrame]));
            //     break;
            // default:
            //     break;
            // }

BTW, Maybe it could be nice to make a pull to the main repo example, no? To move/rotate the cube. On the @CedricGuillemet example, curves are not linked to move the scene.