Celeborn2BeAlive / LightPathExpressions

Light Path Expressions Library
The Unlicense
4 stars 2 forks source link

Status of the project and usage #2

Open vikasTmz opened 4 years ago

vikasTmz commented 4 years ago


What is the status of this project and the current usage?

Celeborn2BeAlive commented 4 years ago

Hi, sorry for the late answer. Project is paused because of my workload that is currently a bit high. I plan to go back to it this week (that's why I saw your issue actually).

Are you interested in the library itself or the integration I want to make in Blender/Cycles (discussion here https://devtalk.blender.org/t/light-path-expressions-for-custom-aovs/9193) ?

I can get the library to a clean and usable state quite quickly I think, I few hours/days. The integration into Blender will take more time.

Thanks for your interest.

vikasTmz commented 4 years ago

I am interested in its integration into Blender. Maybe not right now as I switched to Renderman and Maya to generate LPEs for a project but certainly in the long run.

Additionally, there's also a Renderman plugin for blender which uses OSL's syntax for LPEs: https://github.com/prman-pixar/RenderManForBlender

I wasn't able to set it up as it requires an older version of Renderman which isn't freely available anymore (to my knowledge).

Celeborn2BeAlive commented 4 years ago

Ok great, it should be possible to update the addon to work with recent versions of Renderman, but I guess no one has time or want to do it since Cycles already does a pretty good job and is free + open source.

The plan for me is to finish cleaning up this LPE library and then to use it in Blender's code. As I told you I don't have a lot of time to work on it, initially I planned to do it at work but my studio mainly wants to use Eevee so they're not interested in LPE stuff for raytracing right now. As I told you I'll try to catch up on my free time in then next few weeks. Anyway having comments of people needing it gives me reasons to work on it again, so thank you for being interested 👍