Technical Requirements:
REST API Endpoint: POST /profile/{user_id} with request body
Path Variable: user_id
Request Body: Content Type: application/json
Request Body: experiences, technical skills, name, surname, review, description, school, degree, education field, personal preferences
Response: 200 OK with a list of information in that user profile
Story 4:
As a Users, I want to see the list of my friends.
Technical Requirements:
REST API Endpoint: GET /friends/{user_id}
Path Variable : user_id
Response: 200 OK with the list of friends in that user.
Story 3: As a users, I want to edit my profile.
Technical Requirements: REST API Endpoint: POST /profile/{user_id} with request body Path Variable: user_id Request Body: Content Type: application/json Request Body: experiences, technical skills, name, surname, review, description, school, degree, education field, personal preferences Response: 200 OK with a list of information in that user profile Story 4: As a Users, I want to see the list of my friends.
Technical Requirements: REST API Endpoint: GET /friends/{user_id} Path Variable : user_id Response: 200 OK with the list of friends in that user.