Duel power system of Rf and (Gtech) Eu.
By default; 1Eu=4Rf
IC2 Eu is a totally different power system to Gtech Eu.
As this'll confuse the crap out of everyone, IC2 is considered an 'Rf mod' in this pack.
TATW mod handles the technical conversion of the power systems seamlessly- similar to ImEng wires. (Rf wires will power IC2 stuff, IC2 wires can power Rf stuff).
Rename a few items and add tooltips (power transfer/output/input ect), and we'll be away.
-Might have to do something similar with Railcraft charge?
-CEU (Gtech addon mod) provides converter blocks for changing between power types.
Eu is carried in wires (and cables), while Rf uses conduit.
Eu generation/usage is a reversible motor/generator. Rf uses coils (Inductance and Reactance).
Might need a few Rf crafting components to match the Gtech ones??
Rf can't be stored (batteries/cells ect)
Circuits are universal, otherwise everything'll go full stupid.
(pack expansion for the desperate and needy?)
To do;
CEU recipes when CEU updates to latest Gtech
(check) naming of Rf conduits
Adjust tooltips on remaining IC2 stuff to reflect its "Rf" usage.
Specifically IC2 stuff is difficult to rename. Need to figure how to reference them a .lang file.
Update TE, MM, ImEng recipe sets to 'Rf components' if applicable
Make new components with CT if needed
Fix Rf storage
Knock out recipes.
[as far as practicable] Configure machine internal storage. (might need a small amount to make everything work)
Duel power system of Rf and (Gtech) Eu. By default; 1Eu=4Rf
-Might have to do something similar with Railcraft charge?
-CEU (Gtech addon mod) provides converter blocks for changing between power types.
To do;