CellProfiler / BatchProfiler

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Fixes #11 #13

Closed LeeKamentsky closed 8 years ago

LeeKamentsky commented 8 years ago

There was a typo in the line that retrieved the batch info in the script that's responsible for keeping track of .SQL upload jobs.

dlogan commented 8 years ago

I would merge this*\ but either I can't because of the Travis failure or because I don't have permission -- not sure which.

*\ Shouldn't line 38 of sql_jobs.py also be changed from

batch = RunBatch.select(batch_id)


batch = RunBatch.BPBatch.select(batch_id)

? (I can make a pull request if Yes)

LeeKamentsky commented 8 years ago

It has to be because you don't have permission. Let me check on the error you found first though.

LeeKamentsky commented 8 years ago

@dlogan you should have permissions to merge now, Travis shouldn't be messing with BatchProfiler, hopefully that's turned off. Let me check the error you found. I think there may be some more edits too.

dlogan commented 8 years ago

Yup, I can see the PR button now, thanks (but I will wait).

LeeKamentsky commented 8 years ago

@dlogan ok it's fixed. Please hit the button.

dlogan commented 8 years ago

Do I need to 'git pull' in /imaging/docs/People/imageweb/batchprofiler/BatchProfiler to get these to changes to work for, say, http://imagewebrhel6/batchprofiler/cgi-bin/ViewBatch.py?batch_id=138 That page still gives me an error.

LeeKamentsky commented 8 years ago

It's probably not a good idea for you to do the git pull. I just had to fix up permissions because somehow the imageweb account had done that. But yes - I had to do exactly that to get it to update and you should be good now.

dlogan commented 8 years ago

awesome, thanks! I'll keep that in mind