CellProfiler / BatchProfiler

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Error in ViewBatch.py: float argument required #15

Closed braymp closed 8 years ago

braymp commented 8 years ago

Browsing this ViewBatch page returns the following error (using 2.1.1: 6c2d8960):

A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

 /imaging/docs/People/imageweb/batchprofiler/BatchProfiler/ViewBatch.py in ()
    660 with bputilities.CellProfilerContext():
    661     doc = ViewBatchDoc()
=>  662     doc.build()
    663 doc.render()
doc = <bpformdata.ViewBatchDoc object>, doc.build = <bound method ViewBatchDoc.build of <bpformdata.ViewBatchDoc object>>
 /imaging/docs/People/imageweb/batchprofiler/BatchProfiler/ViewBatch.py in build(self=<bpformdata.ViewBatchDoc object>)
     66             self.build_submit_run()
     67         else:
=>   68             self.build_batch()
     70     def read_batch(self):
self = <bpformdata.ViewBatchDoc object>, self.build_batch = <bound method ViewBatchDoc.build_batch of <bpformdata.ViewBatchDoc object>>
 /imaging/docs/People/imageweb/batchprofiler/BatchProfiler/ViewBatch.py in build_batch(self=<bpformdata.ViewBatchDoc object>)
    203                 self.build_database_scripts()
    204             with self.tag("div", style='clear:both; padding-top:10px'):
=>  205                 self.build_job_table()
    206             with self.tag("div", style='clear:both; padding-top:10px'):
    207                 self.build_footer()
self = <bpformdata.ViewBatchDoc object>, self.build_job_table = <bound method ViewBatchDoc.build_job_table of <bpformdata.ViewBatchDoc object>>
 /imaging/docs/People/imageweb/batchprofiler/BatchProfiler/ViewBatch.py in build_job_table(self=<bpformdata.ViewBatchDoc object>)
    449             with self.tag("table", klass="run_table"):
    450                 self.build_job_table_head()
=>  451                 self.build_job_table_body()
    453     def build_job_table_head(self):
self = <bpformdata.ViewBatchDoc object>, self.build_job_table_body = <bound method ViewBatchDoc.build_job_table_body of <bpformdata.ViewBatchDoc object>>
 /imaging/docs/People/imageweb/batchprofiler/BatchProfiler/ViewBatch.py in build_job_table_body(self=<bpformdata.ViewBatchDoc object>)
    521                                 "class":"success_message"}):                            
    522                                 cpu = task.get_runtime()
=>  523                                 self.text("Complete (%.2f sec)" % cpu)
    524                     else:
    525                         with self.tag("td", style='color:red'):
self = <bpformdata.ViewBatchDoc object>, self.text = <bound method Doc.text of <yattag.doc.Doc object>>, cpu = None
<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: float argument required, not NoneType 
      args = ('float argument required, not NoneType',) 
      message = 'float argument required, not NoneType'
LeeKamentsky commented 8 years ago

Is it blocking you?

braymp commented 8 years ago

It may be blocking a collaborator. I think I've seen this error before, but got around it by resubmitting; I suggested it to her, and she may be able to keep moving.

LeeKamentsky commented 8 years ago

Mark - I've patched imagewebrhel6 to get it to display the page when the error happens, but where it would say "complete", the job is blank. Could you tell me if you're seeing that? I need to see a case of it before I can figure out why it's happening.

braymp commented 8 years ago

Yep, definitely seen it. Here's an instance from a collaborator: http://imagewebrhel6/batchprofiler/cgi-bin/ViewBatch.py?batch_id=81

On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 3:27 PM, LeeKamentsky notifications@github.com wrote:

Mark - I've patched imagewebrhel6 to get it to display the page when the error happens, but where it would say "complete", the job is blank. Could you tell me if you're seeing that? I need to see a case of it before I can figure out why it's happening.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/CellProfiler/BatchProfiler/issues/15#issuecomment-152294429 .

braymp commented 8 years ago

Taking a look at the same ViewBatch page, some do show up as "Error", but most still show "Submitted" or "Running" when neither is the case. Should I open a new issue?

LeeKamentsky commented 8 years ago

I'd do neither. I think https://github.com/CellProfiler/BatchProfiler/issues/12 covers the case where jobs are in the "running" state after they fail and the submitted jobs are either another manifestation of #12 or they are covered by #2.

Is it ok to close this and let #2 and #12 cover what happened to batch 81?

braymp commented 8 years ago

Makes sense; re-closing.