Generally speaking, I'm seeing many different errors when trying to apply a gate as a filter in the Histogram module. This one occurs if you open Histogram, create a test gate, then try to filter the image using that gate. Gate was built on a ImageNumber plot.
An error occurred in the program:
cpa.dbconnect.DBException: ERROR: Database query failed for connection "MainThread" and failed to reconnect
Query was: "SELECT per_image.ImageNumber
FROM per_image
WHERE () "
First exception was: near ")": syntax error
Second exception was: ERROR: Database query failed for connection "MainThread"
Query was: "SELECT per_image.ImageNumber
FROM per_image
WHERE () "
Exception was: near ")": syntax error
OSX 10.15.7, CPA example properties file.
Generally speaking, I'm seeing many different errors when trying to apply a gate as a filter in the Histogram module. This one occurs if you open Histogram, create a test gate, then try to filter the image using that gate. Gate was built on a ImageNumber plot.