CellProfiler / CellProfiler-plugins

Community-contributed and experimental CellProfiler modules.
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RunCellpose via docker #203

Closed callum-jpg closed 11 months ago

callum-jpg commented 1 year ago

Here's the RunCellpose model that's been adapted to work with docker.

This version of the module allows users to use Cellpose using the .exe/.app downloaded from the CellProfiler website. All a user would have to do is download and install docker, followed by downloading the cellprofiler/runcellpose_no_pretrained or cellprofiler/runcellpose_with_pretrained docker images and setting the plugins directory in CellProfiler > Preferences. These different docker images either contain or don't contain all of the Cellpose pretrained models

Outstanding questions:

bethac07 commented 1 year ago

Awesome! One comment from me

As the module is upgraded over time, should the module variable_revision_number be linked to a particular version of a docker image? Hopefully this would ensure compatibility

I don't think so, Docker versioning SHOULD take care of that.