CellularPrivacy / Android-IMSI-Catcher-Detector

AIMSICD • Fight IMSI-Catcher, StingRay and silent SMS!
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Developer: App Test Protocol #173

Open E3V3A opened 9 years ago

E3V3A commented 9 years ago

We need to invent and post a test protocol that can go through a few different situations, that we can detect. The test protocol is meant to be used only for developers and testers to test various features of the app. When app is in beta stage, this test protocol should be extended to test more aspects in a real IMSI-catcher environment.

Basic Tests __

Detection Testing ____

We can test some detections by manually adding some rows to the DBi_measure and DBi_bts tables, and possibly others. We've also started to implement some code to do this, in the test directory. Here are a few items we would like to test.

NOTE: The items above does not yet reflect what is currently present on the Application. We're slowly working on this, since we're still updating the UI/UX.

[More TBA]

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SecUpwN commented 9 years ago

Interesting proposal, @E3V3A. Shall that be like a script that tests all functions of the App in IMSI-Catcher environments, FemtoCell situations and such? Please define the situations a little more.

tobykurien commented 9 years ago

Excellent proposal @E3V3A - I've been thinking about tests for the detection algorithms. These tests would need to run independently of the actual cellular radio (just to test that the actual detection algorithm works). This would need an abstraction layer between the detection process and the cellular APIs. This will also help us with supporting various devices.

SecUpwN commented 9 years ago

@tobykurien, maybe we can launch these tests on startup of the App while in "Idle" mode? After all tests have been successfully run, AIMSICD shall turn to the green "OK" status. Just an idea.

tobykurien commented 9 years ago

@SecUpwN oh no, I think we're talking about completely different types of tests. I'm talking about developer testing (unit/functional tests), as per the title of the issue.

E3V3A commented 9 years ago

@tobykurien Yes, good point. I've updated OP and renamed issue to include UI/UX in the title. The RF detection protocol would be a more complicated and completely different thing. And need to be assigned a new issue. TBA.

He3556 commented 9 years ago

What about changing values, in one of the two databases? We can change the LAC value of one Cell-ID. We can do this two ways, either:

  1. We can to change it in the local OpenCellID DB (DBe_import) or
  2. we change it in the locally measured value (from API) in (DBi_meas).

I will try it this way next week.

E3V3A commented 9 years ago

@He3556 Can you post the SQLs needed to do this test? I want all manual testing scenarios, documented here, in anticipation of a complete AppTestProtocol.md page.

E3V3A commented 9 years ago

The easiest way to test this is probably to inject a false LAC but with same CID, into the CELL_TABLE (cellinfo) DB as @He3556 suggested. We can do this with:

# Go to AIMSICD databases directory
cd /data/data/com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD/databases/

# Clear main logcat
logcat -c -b main

# Make a copy of the last row, and insert into the same table
sqlite3 -csv aimsicd.db 'INSERT INTO cellinfo (Lac,CellID,Net,Lat,Lng,Signal,Mcc,Mnc,Accuracy,Speed,Direction,NetworkType,MeasurementTaken,OCID_SUBMITTED,Timestamp) SELECT Lac,CellID,Net,Lat,Lng,Signal,Mcc,Mnc,Accuracy,Speed,Direction,NetworkType,MeasurementTaken,OCID_SUBMITTED,Timestamp FROM cellinfo WHERE _id = (SELECT MAX(_id) FROM cellinfo);'

# Update the last row with fake LAC=11111
sqlite3 -csv aimsicd.db 'UPDATE cellinfo SET Lac=11111 WHERE _id = (SELECT MAX(_id) FROM cellinfo);'

# Find LAC warning in main logcat
logcat -d -b main |grep -iE "LAC"

The result is:

V/AISMICD_DbAdaptor(25860): LAC checked - no change.  CID:682XXXX LAC(DBi):10XX1 LAC(DBe): 10XX1 
I/AISMICD_DbAdaptor(25860): ALERT: Changing LAC on CID: 682XXXX Current LAC(DBi): 10XX1 Database LAC(DBe): 11111
tobykurien commented 9 years ago

FYI, I wrote an Android Unit Test for this here: https://github.com/SecUpwN/Android-IMSI-Catcher-Detector/blob/master/app/src/androidTest/java/com/SecUpwN/AIMSICD/test/Detection1.java

E3V3A commented 9 years ago

Wow, great! How can we use it? Can we call it by using an am like call from command line? Perhaps by using something like?:

am start -n com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD/.Detection1
tobykurien commented 9 years ago

You can run it either from gradle connectedAndroidTest (which runs all tests) or Android Studio (right-click the class, Run > Detection1). It's also possible to use am instrument to run tests, as described in https://developer.android.com/tools/testing/testing_otheride.html#RunTestsCommand

More here: https://developer.android.com/tools/testing/testing_android.html

E3V3A commented 9 years ago
am instrument [flags] <test_package>/<runner_class>
Parameter Value Description
<test_package> The Android package name of the test package. The value of the package attribute of the manifest element in the test package's manifest file.
<runner_class> The class name of the instrumented test runner you are using. This is usually InstrumentationTestRunner.
# To run all of the test classes in the test package, enter:
am instrument -w com.android.demo.app.tests/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner

#  To run all of the tests in the class UnitTests, enter:
am instrument -w -e class com.android.demo.app.tests.UnitTests com.android.demo.app.tests/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner

# To run all of the tests in UnitTests, and the testCamera method in FunctionTests, enter:
am instrument -w -e class com.android.demo.app.tests.UnitTests,com.android.demo.app.tests.FunctionTests#testCamera com.android.demo.app.tests/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner

@tobykurien What should our <runner_class> be? I've tried all these without success:

am instrument -w com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD/Detection1
am instrument -w com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD.Detection1/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner
am instrument -w com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD.test/Detection1
am instrument -w com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner
am instrument -w com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD/android.test.Detection1
am instrument -w -e class com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD.Detection1
am instrument -w -e class com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD.Detection1 com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner
am instrument -w -e class com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD.Detection1 com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD

References: [1] "Testing from Other IDEs" [2] "InstrumentationTestRunner" [3] "Testing Fundamentals" [4] "Activity Testing Tutorial"

tobykurien commented 9 years ago

The command that works is:

am instrument -w com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD.test/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner

This will run all the tests. For just Detection1:

am instrument -e class com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD.test.Detection1 -w com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD.test/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner

It's important to remember that the tests are run from a separate test application. It's in a separate APK, and hence has the .test added to its root package name. You need to install both the app and the test APK to be able to run tests. Gradle and Android Studio do this automatically for you.

E3V3A commented 9 years ago

So it doesn't install the test package automatically, when you install AIMSICD? If not, how could we make it to do so, so that we can run these tests from the app itself?

I tried those commands, but they're not working. Probably because the test app hasn't been installed? Where is it located and what is it called, after install?

tobykurien commented 9 years ago

It's a developer tool, not a user tool. Use Gradle or Android Studio to run the tests.

E3V3A commented 9 years ago

I know, but I'm using G and AS in a VM and the tests need to run on the app in metal I think. So if you know how to do this, please tell us, because we'd like to :

  1. Run tests as part of the app, upon user request (when in a future debug mode, for example).
  2. Run developer detection tests from command line using am.
  3. Learn how to do this, since we're rather handicapped development wise, as you're already well aware of.
SecUpwN commented 8 years ago

@0x7678 and @larsgrefer, what are your thoughts on this? Results of #75 will be added here.