CellularPrivacy / Android-IMSI-Catcher-Detector

AIMSICD • Fight IMSI-Catcher, StingRay and silent SMS!
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Map Viewer UX issues #228

Open E3V3A opened 9 years ago

E3V3A commented 9 years ago

In Map Viewer:

EDIT: SEE #250

~~BLUE = The one currently connected BTS, ~~ ~~GREEN = other nearby previously seen BTS's where: _Samples: >1_ ~~ RED = new or previously unknown (to OCID) BTSs or where: _Samples: 0_, or "-1".

This says BLUE for currently connected BTS pin, but should probably have a different look. Perhaps a GREEN or RED dot surrounded by a BLUE circle, or something else???

Related code: MapViewerOsmDroid.java

If you understand that code, please add some comments so other people (like me) can fix it it as well.

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E3V3A commented 9 years ago

Perhaps @tobykurien know where the documentation for the OSM API is?

I opened this issue at their GH. But no useful example how to do simple changes?

Also, HERE's a possible explanation of why suddenly the map doesn't center on your position but

E3V3A commented 9 years ago

Another answer that came in is:

The OpenStreetMapViewer project demonstrates much of the functionality of osmdroid. Also take a look at the companion project osmbonuspack for additional functionality such as drawing lines (PathOverlay is deprecated). Specific questions can often be answered via Stack Overflow. Also we follow the Google Maps API v1, so any functionality available in Google Maps v1 should translate well over to osmdroid.

Which mean the GMaps API v1 should also work here.

E3V3A commented 9 years ago

@tobykurien @Ueland I'd really like to prioritize this issue. Can you guys please have a look and see if there's something you can do here? Anything at all, would be one step forward for mankind, or for :santa:. and his :christmas_tree:.

Ueland commented 9 years ago

I can take a look into it unless @tobykurien beats me to it, might take some days due to some unrelated holiday coming up :santa:

E3V3A commented 9 years ago

@Ueland Sound great! Just do what you can when you want. It would be good if you would like to join our internal chat in case there are smaller discussions needed. So send me an email (you know where to find it) and I'll send you an invite.

SecUpwN commented 9 years ago

@E3V3A, let me know how @Ueland behaves and I will add him to our collaborators team here on GitHub as a christmas present (if you wish me to do so). Merry christmas everyone! :gift:

E3V3A commented 9 years ago

@SecUpwN That could sound terrible. He's "behaving" just great! : D Just add him, if he wants to.

SecUpwN commented 9 years ago

That could sound terrible. He's "behaving" just great! : D Just add him, if he wants to.

Naa, I didn't mean to step on his toes and of course it sounds a little strange. But hey, I am German and meant to say that in a polite way - I really like that guy as well. :smile_cat: Welcome as an official Collaborator of AIMSICD, @Ueland! Feel free to add some funky Info about yourself into our core team table! Cheers.

Ueland commented 9 years ago

Thanks! Will do :)

E3V3A commented 9 years ago

@Ueland I checked off 2 bugs in the list above, for v0.1.25-alpha-b5... Thanks.

tobykurien commented 9 years ago

It's strange - when I wrote the code, the satellite and hybrid map types were working. I'll remove them in the next pull request.

SecUpwN commented 9 years ago

It's strange - when I wrote the code, the satellite and hybrid map types were working. I'll remove them in the next pull request.

Wait a minute, @tobykurien. Is it really necessary to remove them? At the very least, we should then agree on which one to keep. @E3V3A, what do you say? I actually always loved the Terrain one..

tobykurien commented 9 years ago

I've left the terrain one in, since that one works.

SecUpwN commented 9 years ago

I've left the terrain one in, since that one works.

Awesome. Thank you very much. Should we remove the map settings button also then?

E3V3A commented 9 years ago

I'm away right now, but if you look in my bug report, you'll see they almost work, but since nobody is fixing, it's better to leave those options out. I've made it so that selecting those buggy maps just defaults to the first one. So unless someone intend to find out why satellite map can't be zoomed in, or why hybrid doesn't work. Then there's nothing else to do.

DimaKoz commented 9 years ago

As E3V3A wrote:

BTS pin-info should also show these items: *RAT, PSC, first/last seen"

What exactly which table the field we can use to get "first / last seen?" Can I use the "Type" field of "opencellid" table for getting RAT? Can I use the "PSC" field of "EventLog" table to obtain data on the PSC?

E3V3A commented 9 years ago

@DimaKoz This is a challenge:

  1. Because we still have not implemented the DB as specified in #215. (opencellid should be replaced and removed!)
  2. We have an issue for the BTS pin info in #234
  3. You could use EventLog table, but it would be better to use DBi_bts/measure for Type and PSC.
DimaKoz commented 9 years ago

BTS When pin-info Samples are empty (BLUE), re-label as "0".

@E3V3A I may have corrected this subtask. It really is? It remained without tick mark.


E3V3A commented 9 years ago

@DimaKoz Excellent and checked!

SecUpwN commented 9 years ago

@DimaKoz Excellent and checked!

@E3V3A what is left to be done until fixed?

E3V3A commented 9 years ago

what is left to be done until fixed?

Try to make the info window show the same info, and using the same format as in #234. Furthermore, First seen: and Last seen: needs to be added to the info window.

E3V3A commented 9 years ago

This need attention.

SecUpwN commented 8 years ago

Re-opening to add the last fix as mentioned in https://github.com/SecUpwN/Android-IMSI-Catcher-Detector/issues/228#issuecomment-110207488. @ziem, can you try to fix this, please? :)

licaon-kter commented 8 years ago

Map -> Preferences -> change Map type -> press Back arrow takes you back to app instead of map view

Also then after closing app you are switched to the Map view, somehow it got send to background and unlinked to the main app on back arrow press?

Logcat from around that time: https://gist.github.com/licaon-kter/5719b9a40d151060d4b2

SecUpwN commented 8 years ago

Map -> Preferences -> change Map type -> press Back arrow takes you back to app instead of map view

@licaon-kter, please test this again using the latest release, I cannot confirm this.

Also then after closing app you are switched to the Map view, somehow it got send to background and unlinked to the main app on back arrow press?

Cannot confirm this either. Will contact @ziem to fix https://github.com/CellularPrivacy/Android-IMSI-Catcher-Detector/issues/228#issuecomment-110207488 so that we can finally close this.

licaon-kter commented 8 years ago

Map -> Preferences -> change Map type -> press Back arrow takes you back to app instead of map view

Still occurs.

Also then after closing app you are switched to the Map view, somehow it got send to background and unlinked to the main app on back arrow press?

The other might be triggered by me using http://repo.xposed.info/module/com.germainz.activityforcenewtask Now, while not having this active (at least) I can't repro it anymore