CellularPrivacy / Android-IMSI-Catcher-Detector

AIMSICD • Fight IMSI-Catcher, StingRay and silent SMS!
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Detect unusual 3G to 2G downgrade attempts #82

Open andr3jx opened 10 years ago

andr3jx commented 10 years ago

I propose to add an option to change preferred network type to "WCDMA only" (3G). This can be done at least in the hidden Android Testing menu. After you change this option you need to disable and enable the radio again. This should prevent downgrading attacks from IMSI Catchers. In case a user can't do without 2G: We should record which networks support 3G. If the phone has good signal and the network offers only 2G (known to support 3G) the user should get a warning.

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He3556 commented 10 years ago

It is the mutual authentication of 3G Base Stations, not the encryption that makes the difference. But also on UMTS a Man in the Middle is possible. Even if there are 3G stations with a good signal it is still common to switch to 2G for voice calls. 3G is often used for the data connection and for voice calls there is a "fall back to GSM" method. It depends on the release version of the mobile network and if there is a free slot for voice calls on 3G. There was another question before: "And if I'm not wrong, we have A5/3 encryption in 3G mode so shouldn't be a call in 3G network secure from IMSI Catchers? " That's why I said it is not the encryption in the first 2 sentence :) I am afraid this "simple" approach does not work.

andr3jx commented 10 years ago

Thanks for your input. Yes, I removed the sentence, I felt I was wrong - I don't like to be wrong ;). So your point is, even if we turn "WCDMA only" on, the call will still go over 2G or will the call get aborted? My understanding is that 3G-only should be safe from Man in the Middle (if they don't get e.g. a Femtocell from the provider). Otherwise IMSI Catchers wouldn't do the downgrade attack to GSM.

E3V3A commented 10 years ago

Just to clarify the project goals. We are trying to provide an IMSI-catcher detection mechanism, and not a secure line. There are plenty of other projects trying to provide a "secure calls", as stated on the Wiki. Of course it could be useful to "prevent 2G", but this is in no way preventing your phone calls of being monitored, just making it a bit harder for amateurs. So in the current situation, the only interest we have in 2G vs 3G is perhaps to try to detect an unusual 3G to 2G downgrade attempt, which would only trigger another warning flag in our additive detection scheme. So, if you were to force your phone into 3G mode (which is easy to do), then there would be fewer of these detection parameters, and more difficult to obtain others, with the result that IMSIC detection would be much harder. Now in a distant future version of AIMSICD, we plan to add some counter measures, that may include forcing certain telephony functionality states, perhaps including that one.

andr3jx commented 10 years ago

@E3V3A I see your point. For an IMSI-Catcher detector it is really better if can detect downgrade attacks than prevent them by forcing 3G. But I want some clarification regarding 3G-only security. 3G uses A5/3 as encryption which can't be decrypted passively by IMSI-Catchers in comparisson to A5/1 (known plaintext attacks). As He3556 said, 3G is also more secure because "By allowing the UE (User Equipment) to authenticate the network it is attaching to, the user can be sure the network is the intended one and not an impersonator." (Wikipedia). So how can an IMSI-Catcher intercept calls of an 3G only phone? If the phone can't get downgraded to 2G the calls can't be intercepted. Am I right? But we want to detect IMSI-Catchers because they are used to pin point the exact location of phones. Still we can inform the user that if he want to make a secure call, he should activate 3G-only?

andr3jx commented 10 years ago

I also captured logs of my modem and can verify that on my phone "WCDMA only" is really WCDMA only. The phone doesn't use GSM in any way in this mode. Of course there can be networks which don't support 3G calls, but my network here supports gsm and 3g-only calls so this isn't uncommon.

andr3jx commented 10 years ago

I think this issue should be changed to "Warn when phone uses 2G(with good signal quality) on networks known to support 3G" - do you agree?

mr1smith commented 10 years ago

@andr3jx "I also captured logs of my modem and can verify that on my phone "WCDMA only" is really WCDMA only. The phone doesn't use GSM in any way in this mode."

I can also confirm above.

He3556 commented 10 years ago

we could inform if somebody is using 2G but not warn them, because there would be too many warnings, without any reason. 2G is shown in the display of all smartphone - so the informing part is there already.

Disable 2G is not a option because:

  1. How should we detect a fake BTS if we turn off 2G? Like EVA said, this Project is about detecting and not about a secure line.
  2. In some areas there is only 2G so if you turn off you won't have any connection.

UMTS MITM is possible but i don't know if this is already in use out there. I only found some scientific papers about this topic.

SecUpwN commented 10 years ago

@andr3jx, since @E3V3A elaborated on the current project goals, I've updated this Issue to the title Detect unusual 3G to 2G downgrade attempts which perfectly fits into the current project goal structure for IMSI-Catcher detection. Is that OK with you? If so, how to test for unusual downgrade attempts?

andr3jx commented 10 years ago

@He3556 Regarding UMTS MITM: I know there are scientific papers but what I found only describes possible attack vectors. There is no information about a real practical attack. This is also confirmed by papers of different IMSI-Catchers which are advertised with a capability of downgrading 3G to 2G. I think we can assume that an IMSI-Catcher can't offer 3G. Only hacked femtocells are a threat to 3G.

My point is: We should have data in which areas 3G is offered by different operators. If the phone is in a known 3G area but has only 2G with good signal the user should get a warning. There are free available coverage maps by different operators that we could use to obtain the data. There is also OpenSignal project which collects this data. We could also record which networks offer 3G. If the phone has good signal and has only 2G although it is known that the network supports 3G, there should be a warning. This is only relevant when an IMSI-Catcher clones all parameters of a cell (LAC, CID etc.)

An IMSI-Catcher should be seen as a 2G only base station with strong signal from the same operator.

Irrelevant but the "only 2G available"-problem could be solved with this approach: Use only 3G. If phone has no signal, switch to GSM/3G. If phone has 3G signal switch back to only 3G.

@SecUpwN: The title fits perfectly, thanks!

He3556 commented 10 years ago

but if you use 3G - how could we detect a 2G Catcher? we don't want to hide - we want to fight! ;)

He3556 commented 10 years ago

@SecUpwN yes detecting "fall back to GSM" could be a goal. But i would suggest to keep it on a low priority right now. There are many other things to do first. We would need to have something like a local db where we keep the data about Smartphone position, Cell ID's, Connection time, Signal Strength... like a history. Q: @SecUpwN: Is this implemented as "Cell tracing" already?

And then we need some calculation to get a statistic overview. Before we can detect unusual behavior at all. This belongs to the issue #71. Should we open a new issue like "detection strategies with db & statistics"? One could be if you get rejected by the same cell with a good or even the best signal strength. Because if you are near a catcher but you are not the victim, your mobile will try to connect but the catcher doesn't want that.

andr3jx commented 10 years ago

I want to add that this feature is also relevant because IMSI Catchers can force the phone to remain in 2G-mode until reboot. See: "Force into 2G-Mode - 3G-Cat forces only selected 3G phones into 2G-mode for interception by other 2G systems. Once forced 3G phones will remain in 2G-mode forever until reboot." (page 2)

"This device will emulate a 3G network to attract 3G mobiles and, for designated Targets, selectively push them to GSM where they remain unless they are rebooted or pushed back to 3G by the GSM system."(page 39)

b-meson commented 10 years ago

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that the attack described here Most phones are programmed to gracefully 'fail over' to GSM when a 3G/4G connection seems unavailable. Active attackers exploit this feature to implement a rollback attack -- jamming 3G/4G connections, and thus re-activating all of the GSM attacks described above

E3V3A commented 10 years ago

AFAIU, nobody can force anything, IFF we can have control over our modem. That's what this is about, taking control over our modem settings and showing us "bad" behavior, so that we can prevent it. AT command control, let us do this to some limited extent.

andr3jx commented 10 years ago

@freddymartinez9 My understanding of papers I quoted is that they don't need to jam 3G connections to keep the phone in GSM mode. @E3V3A Of course it would be great if we could control everything, but you should know better how hard it is to get control of the modem, especially info about events in the lower layers.

b-meson commented 10 years ago

@andr3jx it depends on the IMSI catching system I suppose. "With our 3G UMTS IMSI Catcher you can redirect single UMTS mobile phones to specific GSM frequencies, in order to monitor the conversation with our active or passive cellular monitoring systems"

Although to your point, I'm not certain if the IMSI-Catcher is "jamming" as you understand it. But in the same catalog they certainly advertise these capabilities: "The PKI 1720 is a high capacity jammer for the 3G/UMTS frequency range, as well as for GSM frequencies. This highly developed jamming device is perfect for combination with our GSM monitoring systems and the GSM IMSI-Catcher. By selectively jamming the 3G/UMTS frequencies, all UMTS telephones in the operating area are switched into GSM mode"

E3V3A commented 10 years ago

That is marketing BS. Because, unless the baseband developers have blatantly decided to ignore the AT command (or other interface) settings when forcing to use one or another RAT, this is not possible. You can set this is the Service Menu on most Qualcomm, XMM and MTK based Androids. Having said that, almost nobody (>>99.99%) of Android users, would ever think to go there. But we do!

He3556 commented 9 years ago

All this "fall back" mechanisms in cell networks ensure a trouble free operation of all services. Suppressing can cause failures. And even if it works, we couldn't detect downgrading any more.

I have 2 ideas:

  1. Obtain the release Version of the cellular network (don't think this is possible with AOS API)
  2. Check if downgrades are common in this area - over a longer time period.
E3V3A commented 9 years ago

@He3556 Can you be more specific with Release Version? (There seem to be several different ones.)

He3556 commented 9 years ago

The 3GPP standards see:

ga900 commented 9 years ago

@andr3jx there is nice method to force phone off 3G network... just give him reject from 3G BTS with forbidden LAC and phone will not try to register to that LAC for some time (6-48hrs - manufacturer dependant) and if you served phone with information about just one 2G neighbour in BA list, it will go to specified channel on 2G and stay there if there is a BTS, otherwise phone will start band-scan similar to one at power on. Tested and used ;).

E3V3A commented 9 years ago


...and phone will not try to register to that LAC for some time.

What timer is that?

ga900 commented 9 years ago

@E3V3A I am not sure is it timer that can be accessed from outside world or is it just a loop within radio firmware required by GSM TS, but I bricked my phone once with that. I would say it is just a loop within a firmware because some phones do not have it implemented (mostly far east products). Removal of battery fixed my phone. Just another thing worth mentioning: Forcing to 2g and silent call is the solution for locating mobile phone with catcher.

andr3jx commented 9 years ago

@E3V3A @ga900 Thanks for your info here. I'm experiencing this forbidden LA issue on my phone. After walking through high frequented areas in my city and the main railway station I noticed that my phone started displaying the roaming indicator. Back at home the indicator still remained. After switching off and on the radio the roaming indicator still remained active. After I checked the MCC and MNC of the active cellular network I noticed that the MNC was different from my home operator. It displayed the MNC of a sister network of my home operator. When I switch my phone to "GSM only" I have no reception but I still receive the neighbouring cells list. If I switch to 3G I'm again trapped on the roaming network. Probably I need to contact my operator to fix this but I learned from this german article that it is not uncommon that IMSI Catchers use roaming networks.

I recorded some traces while I switched the radio on and off. @E3V3A I also found the timer duration for erasing the forbidden LA list - on my phone it is 9360000.

Here a couple grep screenshots: grep roam grep forbidden

GSM-UMTS commented 9 years ago

Is there anyway to implement downgrading feature in openbts-umts in order to pull back an MS from 3G to 2G so that it can be easily captured ?