Celtoys / Remotery

Single C file, Realtime CPU/GPU Profiler with Remote Web Viewer
Apache License 2.0
3.03k stars 255 forks source link

Q: Is it feasible to run on a single thread? #260

Open JCash opened 2 months ago

JCash commented 2 months ago

If possible, I'd like to use Remotery on builds with a single thread (e.g. html5), question is, how hard is it to modify to set this up? And in broad strokes, what would need to be done for it to happen? Perhaps it's already possible, and I overlooked something?

I hope to get to this in the near future, so I thought I'd start the discussion now...

Celtoys commented 2 months ago

I can't imagine it'd be too difficult. Instead of launching the remotery threads (there are 3?) you'd just poll it every frame.

Celtoys commented 2 months ago

Oh of course, I don't think the thread-sampler would work as it can't suspend itself.