CenWIDev / sumobot-resources

Resources, documentation, and software for sumo-roboticists
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Marketing and Graphic Design - we need schwag! #5

Closed daniel-packard closed 2 years ago

Erik-Bennett commented 5 years ago

If we don't have a graphics pro in the group, we could ask SPASH, Mid-State, or NCTC if they have any students that would take up the project for practical experience. I know NCTC has a graphics design club that does work in this capacity (free for non-profits) and contact information as well.

Erik-Bennett commented 5 years ago

Andrew Somers runs the Graphics Club at NTC; they may be able to help, though from what I gathered when I spoke with him, it depends on the current course offerings. Somers@ntc.edu

daniel-packard commented 5 years ago

looks like greg made a logo that went out in a Create mailer


what do you think?

Xaphus commented 5 years ago

Took me a while to see the M, kind of reminds me of Big Hero 6 :)

Erik-Bennett commented 5 years ago

Can I get a few color fliers printed up for distribution in Marshfield? 10 would suffice.