CengSin / oracle

GORM oracle driver
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Changes to support newer versions of godror/gorm. #22

Closed danomagnum closed 1 year ago

danomagnum commented 1 year ago

Changes to support newer versions of godror/gorm.

Newest packages give these errors:

go/pkg/mod/github.com/cengsin/oracle@v1.0.0/create.go:137:39: not enough arguments in call to field.Set have (reflect.Value, any) want (context.Context, reflect.Value, interface{}) go/pkg/mod/github.com/cengsin/oracle@v1.0.0/oracle.go:53:59: unknown field 'WithReturning' in struct literal of type callbacks.Config go/pkg/mod/github.com/cengsin/oracle@v1.0.0/oracle.go:101:36: cannot convert 0 (untyped int constant) to int go/pkg/mod/github.com/cengsin/oracle@v1.0.0/oracle.go:103:37: cannot use limit (variable of type int) as type int in argument to strconv.Itoa