CensoredUsername / dynasm-rs

A dynasm-like tool for rust.
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Allow reserving space in various Vec and HashMaps for performance #72

Closed Ekleog closed 1 year ago

Ekleog commented 1 year ago

Exposing these interfaces gives a significant performance boost in some use cases, as per the numbers listed on https://github.com/near/wasmer/pull/142: as much as a 20-25% performance gain over the whole compiler on some benchmarks (that made me notice such an optimization would be useful), without even fine-tuning parameters.

The thing I'm least certain about is exposing the relocs and relocs_mut functions, but they seem to make sense to me given how the labels and labels_mut are already exposed.

What do you think about this? :)

Ekleog commented 1 year ago

Oh, and I forgot: technically, near/wasmer#142 only uses VecAssembler::reserve_ops, LabelRegistry::reserve_dynamic and RelocRegistry::reserve_dynamic because they were the only ones that appeared in profiles. I'm exposing other methods here too, because I'm thinking we may as well just expose them in case someone wants to try them out, but I'm not sure the benefit people would gain from them would be as high.

CensoredUsername commented 1 year ago

Hmm, if you guys are running into this being an issue, then you are probably creating and destroying significant amounts of VecAssemblers. I'm guessing one per function created? Reserving capacity would likely reduce time spent in that but I'd think that even more gains would be possible by keeping the VecAssembler around after a function and just clearing it. That would also save on the allocation routines.

Not sure if there's an api for that right now, but this would probably be more intuitive to use than some guess of how much too reserve.

nagisa commented 1 year ago

Hm, so looking at the API,

pub fn finalize(self) -> Result<Vec<u8>, DynasmError>

taking the ownership of the VecAssembler is a problem. If it was changed (or an alternative method was added) to take a &mut self instead and cleared the internal vectors before returning the self.ops that would probably work quite well too. However, that would still be at least slightly inefficient due to reallocations that would inevitably happen on the first time a larger function is encountered.

On the other hand, a brief look at the implementation of VecAssembler does suggest that implementing a custom storage here is feasible (isn’t it?), so any use-cases that do truly require cutting-edge throughput numbers (and getting those upstream is non-trivial, has implications on the API complexity) might consider their own implementation of the DynAsmApi trait?

Ekleog-NEAR commented 1 year ago

As @nagisa said I don’t think there’s a way to reuse a backing Vec right now, and it makes sense to me given VecAssembler semantically has ownership of the Vec and relinquishes it upon .finalize(). An alternative to .reserve_ops functions would be a new_with_capacity builder, but I think it’s less flexible and yet more API surface that’d be exposed.

Also, just implementing our own DynasmApi would not really be enough: while it would indeed help for the code Vec, we’d still have trouble with the LabelRegistry and the RelocsRegistry having Vec’s that can’t be .reserve()d (unless the other parts of this PR did land).

mkeeter commented 1 year ago

I'm running into a similar issue: I'm compiling many tiny functions, and the overhead of allocation and mprotect is a big deal.

Screen Shot 2022-10-09 at 1 31 28 PM

The idea of implementing a custom DynasmApi is interesting, since I'm already not using any labels (due to #69 )...

nagisa commented 1 year ago

Are you sure you’re using VecAssembler? VecAssembler should not result in any mprotect calls (and could be the first thing to try to improve the performance in your project)

mkeeter commented 1 year ago

Good catch, the screenshot was using the stock Assembler; my comment was more of a +1 to the notion of reusing structures in general.

I've now switched to a VecAssembler and am attempting to reuse memmap2 regions manually, which is failing in various cryptic and hilarious ways (which are probably my fault, so I won't clutter the issue with them).

CensoredUsername commented 1 year ago

@mkeeter if you're noticing too much mprotect overhead with the stock assemblers the best thing to look at is reducing the amount of time you call commit (you don't have to call it after every function, you only need it before you're intending to actually run newly jit'ed code) or splitting the assembled code into multiple chunks which do not require to keep constant offsets between so you don't end up having to mprotect the entire buffer all the time, as that tends to be an O(size_of_buffer) operation due to the required pagetable editing. It's probably possible to mprotect some parts of the internal buffer but memmap2 doesn't expose that.

@nagisa: I'm planning to do the following:

These should all result in improved performance and allow eliminating allocations after setup.

CensoredUsername commented 1 year ago

These changes are now live on dev, would anyone be able to provide some benchmarks to judge if there's still some performance left on the table? (particularly, how much of the assembling time is now spent on label resolution and any remaining allocation.).

mkeeter commented 1 year ago

Cool, I'll take a look in the next day or two and post some benchmarks. In case you're curious, my hilarious failures turned out to be dcache and icache getting out of sync 😱 (https://github.com/RazrFalcon/memmap2-rs/issues/62)

CensoredUsername commented 1 year ago

@mkeeter ah yeah that's a pain on aarch64. I'm still working on proper handling of that myself (see the next_major_release branch). It is quite the pain, especially since you have to do it on a cache line basis and big.LITTLE chips exist where the cache line size isn't even consistent across cores on the same processor: see https://www.mono-project.com/news/2016/09/12/arm64-icache/

mkeeter commented 1 year ago

The changes on dev make a meaningful difference! Here's what I'm seeing on one test case, logging time spent in the JIT:

In this one test case, the overhead is reduced by about 50%, which is definitely significant.

CensoredUsername commented 1 year ago

Interesting. Is this just with a drop-in replacement (different hashing algorithm) or is this including reuse of VecAssemblers?

mkeeter commented 1 year ago

This is just swapping dynasm = 1.2.3 to dynasm = { git = ..., branch = "dev" } in Cargo.toml, tested on an older branch that was using the stock Assembler.

(Right now, I'm using a VecAssembler, and manually managing memory maps to allow for reuse. I'm planning to switch away from memmap2 in favor of manually using libc::mmap and using the W^X strategy from this article)

CensoredUsername commented 1 year ago

Neat, that speedup was then just the improved hasher. The stock Assembler shouldn't have any perf issues due to allocations to begin with as it was always reusing them.

Ekleog-NEAR commented 1 year ago

On my (real-world-ish) test case, here are the performance results:

So, my interpretation is:

So overall I’m happy with this commit! Though I would kind of have liked to have a .reserve() function for the code vec at least, as the compiler could often guess how much assembly it’s going to emit based on the size of its input… it’s probably not a big deal. The only thing that makes me sad is that I’ll have to figure out a way to reuse the VecAssembler within rayon, which’ll be… fun… but that is my problem to handle 😅

Thank you for your changes! Out of curiosity, when do you think they could be released? :)

CensoredUsername commented 1 year ago

The only thing that makes me sad is that I’ll have to figure out a way to reuse the VecAssembler within rayon, which’ll be… fun… but that is my problem to handle 😅

You probably just want one per thread, or task unit you're throwing at rayon.

Interesting to see the differences between your respective workloads by the way. @mkeeter is seeing almost all overhead in label hashing, wile in your case. Adding a .reserve() for the backing vec won't be much of a problem, I'll just add that one as well. If you already have a with_capacity it feels quite natural anyway.

The perf difference makes sense though, as the normal Assembler already had all the niceties that VecAssembler now has as well internally so he could only be seeing remaining perf gains in label hashing. Outside of that I'd say that @Ekleog-NEAR is doing much more work while assembling, so the percentual perf increase from the label hashing is more minimal.

I'll look into providing a small set of non-hashmap lookup labels akin to lua-dynasm's local labels, then we can see if the overhead is still from the remaining hashing or if it is from just the cost of relocation interpolation compared to compile-time resolution.

As for when it's released, I've been a bit busy recently, but I'm aiming to work through the bug reports to some of my libraries the next two weeks. Your quick response with the benchmarks is greatly appreciated for that! If I can get it done in time I'd like to do a new major release with the next-major-release changes as well, but those still need some looking at as currently I don't have a good aarch64 box to test cache invalidation shenanigans with. If any of you knows a decently cheap VPS for a bit of work on one of those please tell me.

Ekleog commented 1 year ago

Awesome thank you! As for a cheap aarch64 box, I unfortunately don't know of a provider, but I do have an aarch64 mac at hand if you want me to test things, just give me the command line to run and I can try it out and report :)

nagisa commented 1 year ago

https://cfarm.tetaneutral.net/ exists exactly for that purpose and has a variety of aarch64 machines. Try there, perhaps?

Ekleog-NEAR commented 1 year ago

@CensoredUsername Hey! Just coming to check when you think you’d have a chance to release? (as you mentioned two weeks a month ago I’m just wondering whether maybe you forgot 😅)

Ekleog-NEAR commented 1 year ago

(Oh and also just the reserve_ops introduced in this PR if you’re on the same line as me about the fact that it’d make sense to have it alongside the new_with_capacity)

CensoredUsername commented 1 year ago

@Ekleog-NEAR sorry for the bad estimation, I ended up being busier than expected, and only just got back in the country. Should have some time again now to work on it though 👍

Ekleog-NEAR commented 1 year ago

No problem, and thank you for all you do on dynasm-rs anyway! Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help out :)

CensoredUsername commented 1 year ago

I also noticed that we might still be dealing with some unnecessary allocator usage right now, as the way RelocRegistry works right now means it will allocate a whole Vec for every local label reference, even if said reference is only used once. I was first planning to swap those for smallvecs to see the result, but I've just realized that there should be a way to remove these double indirection. Right now local label references are required to be resolved as soon as they are encountered as the information for that local label is thrown away as soon as a new one is defined. However if we were to not just store their name, but also a sort-of version number for that label, for both the references and labels, we should be able to remove those allocations at the price of a single extra hashmap lookup at label definition time to figure out the version.

Ekleog-NEAR commented 1 year ago

That sounds great, fewer allocations is always better! Though since reading http://troubles.md/posts/improving-smallvec/ I’ve been a bit doubtful about SmallVec, and have tended to just go with using Vec with custom allocators when faced with performance issues related to lots of small allocations.

That said I’m not sure I really understand how that’d work, as AFAICT labels never interact with RelocRegistry and LabelRegistry doesn’t allocate a Vec per label. So if you want me to help implementing it I’d need a bit more details; if not I don’t need to understand for now and can read your code later to understand :)

CensoredUsername commented 1 year ago

@Ekleog-NEAR with the approach I'm working on right now Smallvec shouldn't even be needed to begin with. I'm testing it myself right now, mostly just need to make a few extra test to confirm behaviour didn't change. I'll push a commit to dev so you can also try it after that.

This ended up being a small refactor that allowed some of the runtime to be more simplified, with a common code path for both local and global labels and no more need to often interpolate local labels before commit time. There's now only 3 Vecs and 2 hashmaps with POD values that get appended to when labels are referenced, so hopefully this'll get any remaining perfornance.

Also I just realized, the best way to benchmark the cost of hashing would just be to compare it with using dynamic labels for everything. Those internally are just indexes into an array. @mkeeter maybe something for you to try out already? It should show what the cost is of the interpolation itself (compared to compile-time pre-calculation).

Ekleog-NEAR commented 1 year ago

Sounds great to me! I’ll be happy to test with our wasmer as soon as you push the commit to dev; just let me know when you do so :)

As for the cost of hashing, actually what you just said explains why we didn’t see any impact of hashing changes: we’re basically only using dynamic labels in wasmer — though I can’t assert this is true for all the code I can definitely say that all the labels I have seen were dynamic.

CensoredUsername commented 1 year ago

It's been pushed @ 181bc13 . It does now also allow you to tune the size allocated to each internal buffer as well. Note that this one does have some breaking changes exposed so it'll have to be a major release when it goes.

A big thing these changes ensure is that defining a local label somewhere and referencing them is now much cheaper. This really affects sequences like the following.

test rbx, rbx
jz >divzero
idiv rbx

How this used to work is that at the initial encounter of the divzero label, the runtime would create a new vec of unsolved references to the divzero label, and force an allocation of that by putting the relocation for the jump there. Then when the label was actually encountered it'd remove that entire vec from the unsolved reference hashmap again and process those references immediately. It was a very simple strategy for providing local labels but it did ensure that literally any forward local label caused an allocation there. As this is the most common usecase for these labels this was probably the most significant contributor to allocator thrashing.

How it now works does cause some of the running buffers to grow a bit larger between commits (as every single relocation is now only processed at commit time). but the buffers can be sized appropriately to make that a non-issue.

If you really aren't using any local labels as well then I don't think there's any more performance to be gained from my side. dynamic labels are already just plain indices to an array of to-be-resolved targets. Either way, I await your benchmarks fondly.

Ekleog-NEAR commented 1 year ago

Sounds great to me! I’m now having a 21% performance gain compared to the last release (16.4 -> 12.9), or a 31% gain (16.4 -> 11.3) with the additional hack to allow pre-reserving for ops after a .take() that reset the code vec to 0.

With just the addition of this function, that’d allow removal of this hack from my code, this’d be good to go for me!

Thank you for your help in all this :)

Ekleog-NEAR commented 1 year ago

Actually nevermind what I said about the addition of reserve_ops: with this change I’ve checked and .drain() does not seem to reduce capacity of the Vec, so the backing allocation can be reused without having to re-reserve.

I’d still like to have it if possible, because I’m expecting further performance work will be needing it, but even as-is this code is good enough to bring in significant performance improvements for our wasmer, thank you!

CensoredUsername commented 1 year ago

Sounds great to me! I’m now having a 21% performance gain compared to the last release (16.4 -> 12.9), or a 31% gain (16.4 -> 11.3) Nice!

I’ve checked and .drain() does not seem to reduce capacity of the Vec, so the backing allocation can be reused without having to re-reserve. Yep, that's the intended thing. No actual buffers get deallocated when you reuse the Assembler. They get logically cleared but are still available.

I’d still like to have it if possible, because I’m expecting further performance work will be needing it Sounds good!

Ekleog-NEAR commented 1 year ago

Just to know, do you have a release milestone for issues here, a release calendar or anything similar? reserve_ops would be nice but even without it the work already done would already be great to have in a release!

CensoredUsername commented 1 year ago

Hey, I've been sick for most of last month unfortunately so progress stalled a bit. Will get back to this ASAP

Ekleog-NEAR commented 1 year ago

Ooh I didn’t know, sorry for bothering you then. Hope you get better! :)

CensoredUsername commented 1 year ago

Don't worry, not like you could've known ;)

CensoredUsername commented 1 year ago

Just a note: still planning to work on this, life (and thesis deadlines) just got in the way a bit.

CensoredUsername commented 1 year ago

V2.0.0 has just been released which should have all these improvements in it!

Ekleog-NEAR commented 1 year ago

Awesome, thank you! :D

mkeeter commented 1 year ago


My project using dynasm is now (quietly) public:

It's a renderer for implicit surfaces that uses dynasm to JIT-compile the expressions during rendering, which gives a significant performance bump over interpreted rendering.