CensoredUsername / dynasm-rs

A dynasm-like tool for rust.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Link to GitHub pages is broken #75

Closed Rodrigodd closed 1 year ago

Rodrigodd commented 1 year ago

This repo contains a link to https://censoredusername.github.com/dynasm-rs/language/index.html on the front page, but that link leads to a 404 pages. After reading the 404 error message more carefully, it tells that the subdomain of github.com are deprecated.

So the link to the github pages should be https://censoredusername.github.io/dynasm-rs/language/index.html, a subdomain of github.io.

CensoredUsername commented 1 year ago

Where are you finding this link? On Master / dev the link in the README is already the correct one.

Rodrigodd commented 1 year ago

@CensoredUsername The one in the GitHub Repo About info. This one in the right column:


On Master / dev the link in the README is already the correct one.

Oh, I didn't notice that link there. So this is less of a problem than I thought.

CensoredUsername commented 1 year ago

Fixed! I completely forgot that that info section existed. Thanks!