CensoredUsername / unrpyc

A ren'py script decompiler
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Partial fix for the innocent_witches branch #123

Open Gouvernathor opened 3 years ago

Gouvernathor commented 3 years ago

Improves #122 I managed to solve the FakeUnpicklingError: <class 'store.LanguageCases'> was instantiated with unexpected arguments (u'Hermione',), {} error I got when unrpycing Innocent Witches 0.6.5f. I did kinda like the ELSE_COND fix, but my fix can probably be simplified.

Next step is solving the Unknown AST node: <class 'store.ATL.RawUse'> for RawIf, RawUse, RawChoice, RawRepeat, RawAnimation, RawBlock and (surprisingly) renpy.ast.PostUserStatement. That last one may come from renpy updates and as such, may deserve an update in master.

CensoredUsername commented 4 months ago

heya, figured I'd reply to this after like 3 years 😓 I think the years of changes have made this pull request a bit hard to read, and the branch has diverged quite a bit as well. I'm also not sure how many fixes here have mirrored ones in the repo already right now. Seems to me like the branch really should've been rebased forwards instead of the current mess honestly.

I think we'll have to separate the merged in commits from the ones that actually handle the game specific things to make sense of this and move that branch forward, so I don't really see a chance of this pull landing in this format. That said, I'll keep it open for whoever needs this right now.