CensoredUsername / unrpyc

A ren'py script decompiler
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Issue of decompiling .rpyc file from renpy 7.1.3 #76

Closed ariffinsetya closed 5 years ago

ariffinsetya commented 5 years ago

I met a problem when i tried to decompile some .rpyc file it fails on function read_ast_from_file. Traceback (most recent call last): File "c:\Users\Ari\Downloads\Compressed\unrpyc-master\unrpyc.py", line 153, in worker no_pyexpr=args.no_pyexpr, comparable=args.comparable, translator=translator, init_offset=args.init_offset) File "c:\Users\Ari\Downloads\Compressed\unrpyc-master\unrpyc.py", line 112, in decompile_rpyc ast = read_ast_from_file(in_file) File "c:\Users\Ari\Downloads\Compressed\unrpyc-master\unrpyc.py", line 82, in read_ast_from_file raw_contents = chunks[1] KeyError: 1 It works fine with other .rpyc files that i had.

I tried to check by print some line on the function, because I'm not that familliar with python that's the limit of what i can do, but when i tried to decompile rpyc that works

slot 1 start 46 length 11145
chunk slot done.
slot 2 start 11191 length 16688
chunk slot done.
slot 0 start 0 length 0
slot == 0 should break
read_ast end

and the file that doesn't work

slot 1195656224 start 21318977 length 889192448
chunk slot done.
slot 4076863488 start 33554475 length 671088640
chunk slot done.
slot 4227858476 start 70 length 0
chunk slot done.
slot 0 start 2013265920 length 125679066
slot == 0 should break

do you have any idea why this happened?

what i did with the function `` def read_ast_from_file(in_file):

.rpyc files are just zlib compressed pickles of a tuple of some data and the actual AST of the file

raw_contents = in_file.read()
if raw_contents.startswith("RENPY RPC2"):
    # parse the archive structure
    position = 10
    chunks = {}
    while True:
        slot, start, length = struct.unpack("III", raw_contents[position: position + 12])
        print("slot %s start %s length %s" % (slot,start,length))
        if slot == 0:
            print("should break")
        position += 12
        chunks[slot] = raw_contents[start: start + length]
        print('chunk slot done.')
    raw_contents = chunks[1]
print('read_ast end')
raw_contents = raw_contents.decode('zlib')
data, stmts = magic.safe_loads(raw_contents, class_factory, {"_ast"})
return stmts


CensoredUsername commented 5 years ago

Looks to me like someone modified the archive format a bit by making the header longer. By reinterpreting your data back to bytes it reads

b' DDGAME\x01\x00\x00\x005\x00\x00\x00\xf3+\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00(,\x00\x00\xfcF\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00x\xda\xb5}\x07'

Which suggests to me that the author replaced the header "RENPY RPC2" with "RENPY RPC2 DDGAME". By correcting for this the slot table decodes correctly.

in read_ast_from_file, replace position = 10 by position = 17 and it should decode properly.

ariffinsetya commented 5 years ago

thank you @CensoredUsername I'll try to do what you suggested

ariffinsetya commented 5 years ago

@CensoredUsername it's worked.