Made global dashboard graphs responsive to changes. Connected calculation data for carbon budget graph and did proper calculations to update global carbon budget graph whenever regional changes are made. Still have to add 1.5˚ and 2˚ limits but since there'll be a redesign in the future I just made the curve for now and I think the limit stuff will be very easy to add in.
Next week I think I'll spend a LOT of time writing documentation and generally cleaning up the code because it's getting to the point where even I have to spend a few seconds remembering what everything means (I also just think everything looks a bit messy).
Made global dashboard graphs responsive to changes. Connected calculation data for carbon budget graph and did proper calculations to update global carbon budget graph whenever regional changes are made. Still have to add 1.5˚ and 2˚ limits but since there'll be a redesign in the future I just made the curve for now and I think the limit stuff will be very easy to add in.
Next week I think I'll spend a LOT of time writing documentation and generally cleaning up the code because it's getting to the point where even I have to spend a few seconds remembering what everything means (I also just think everything looks a bit messy).