Center-for-Digital-Narrative / elmcip

Electronic Literature as a Model of Creativity and Innovation in Practice (ELMCIP) is a collaborative research project funded by Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA) JRP for Creativity and Innovation built in Drupal
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Year data is missing from data export of works cited on critical writing pages #433

Closed elmcip closed 4 years ago

elmcip commented 5 years ago
Screenshot 2019-09-26 16 21 50 Screenshot 2019-09-26 16 17 55
elmcip commented 5 years ago

The view is works_referenced_data -- would be useful to have the year data there.

steinmb commented 4 years ago

How does this look?

Before change

Title Title Nid Author Author ID Year Language Tags Tag ID
Finnegan's Wake 13832 James Joyce 13825   English modernism, avant garde, experimental literature 2000320, 20005907, 20001424
The Waste Land 13835 Thomas Stearns Eliot 13833   English modernism, poetry 2000320, 200031
To the Lighthouse 13842 Virginia Woolf 13836   English modernism, subjectivity, multiple focalization 2000320, 2000491, 20008820
Mrs. Dalloway 13844 Virginia Woolf 13836   English modernism, interiority 2000320, 20008821
Ulysses 13846 James Joyce 13825   English modernism, The Odyssey, intertextuality, stream-of-consciousness 2000320, 20001723, 2000227, 20008822
The Life and Times of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman 13851 Laurence Sterne 13847   English materiality, book as object, authorial intrusion 200060, 20008823, 20008824
The Garden of Forking Paths 7938 Jorge Luis Borges 7635   English infinite text, branching path, thriller, mystery 20008825, 20002413, 20001507, 2000406
forking paths 550 Stuart Moulthrop 351   English hypertext, intertextuality, pastiche, adaptation 200039, 2000227, 2000307, 2000308
Victory Garden 352 Stuart Moulthrop 351   English hypertext, fiction, war, politics, multilinear, map, Gulf War, spatial navigation 200039, 200071, 20001231, 2000742, 2000824, 20002441, 20008826, 20008827
Rayuela / Hopscotch 7895 Julio Cortazar 7894     codex, chapters, multilinear, stream-of-consciousness 20002141, 20004027, 2000824, 20008822
Composition No. 1 2060 Marc Saporta 2058   French nonlinear fiction, cybertext, artist book 2000645, 200043, 20001484
Composition No. 1 2221 Marc Saporta 2058   English app, artist book, cybertext, nonlinear fiction, narrative 20001485, 20001484, 200043, 2000645, 200013
VE3 Composition No. 1 2220 Marc Saporta 2058   English nonlinear fiction, artifact, cybertext, artist book 2000645, 20001483, 200043, 20001484
The Unfortunates 7836 B. S. Johnson 7835   English print, loose leaf, novel, narrative, non-linear, shuffle 20001163, 20004005, 2000160, 200013, 20001784, 20008828
The Babysitter 8138 Robert Coover 359   English fiction, print, multilinear, fantasy, postmodernism 200071, 20001163, 2000824, 2000715, 2000711
Pricksongs and Descants 13853 Robert Coover 359     postmodernism, fiction, fairytales, intertextuality 2000711, 200071, 20008829, 2000227
Sexing the Cherry 13856 Jeanette Winterson 13854     intertextuality, postmodernism, feminism 2000227, 2000711, 2000716
Breakfast of Champions 13859 Kurt Vonnegut 13857   English intertextuality, diegesis, postmodernism 2000227, 20006327, 2000711
Nio 817 Jim Andrews 778   English animation, audio, music, Shockwave, textual instrument, combinatorial, QuickTime, documentary 200022, 2000306, 2000351, 2000390, 2000391, 2000458, 2000603, 2000419
Project for Tachistoscope [Bottomless Pit] 1406 William Poundstone 649   English audio, time-based, image, essay/creative non-fiction, subliminal, iconography, concrete poetry, avant-garde, narrative, visualization, media 2000306, 2000602, 2000696, 2000982, 20001031, 20001032, 200016, 2000641, 200013, 2000626, 2000917

After update

Title Title Nid Author Author ID Year Language Tags Tag ID
Finnegan's Wake 13832 James Joyce 13825 1939 English modernism, avant garde, experimental literature 2000320, 20005907, 20001424
The Waste Land 13835 Thomas Stearns Eliot 13833 1922 English modernism, poetry 2000320, 200031
To the Lighthouse 13842 Virginia Woolf 13836 1910 English modernism, subjectivity, multiple focalization 2000320, 2000491, 20008820
Mrs. Dalloway 13844 Virginia Woolf 13836 1925 English modernism, interiority 2000320, 20008821
Ulysses 13846 James Joyce 13825 1922 English modernism, The Odyssey, intertextuality, stream-of-consciousness 2000320, 20001723, 2000227, 20008822
The Life and Times of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman 13851 Laurence Sterne 13847 1759 English materiality, book as object, authorial intrusion 200060, 20008823, 20008824
The Garden of Forking Paths 7938 Jorge Luis Borges 7635 1941 English infinite text, branching path, thriller, mystery 20008825, 20002413, 20001507, 2000406
forking paths 550 Stuart Moulthrop 351 1987 English hypertext, intertextuality, pastiche, adaptation 200039, 2000227, 2000307, 2000308
Victory Garden 352 Stuart Moulthrop 351 1991 English hypertext, fiction, war, politics, multilinear, map, Gulf War, spatial navigation 200039, 200071, 20001231, 2000742, 2000824, 20002441, 20008826, 20008827
Rayuela / Hopscotch 7895 Julio Cortazar 7894 1963   codex, chapters, multilinear, stream-of-consciousness 20002141, 20004027, 2000824, 20008822
Composition No. 1 2060 Marc Saporta 2058 1961 French nonlinear fiction, cybertext, artist book 2000645, 200043, 20001484
Composition No. 1 2221 Marc Saporta 2058 2011 English app, artist book, cybertext, nonlinear fiction, narrative 20001485, 20001484, 200043, 2000645, 200013
VE3 Composition No. 1 2220 Marc Saporta 2058 2011 English nonlinear fiction, artifact, cybertext, artist book 2000645, 20001483, 200043, 20001484
The Unfortunates 7836 B. S. Johnson 7835 1969 English print, loose leaf, novel, narrative, non-linear, shuffle 20001163, 20004005, 2000160, 200013, 20001784, 20008828
The Babysitter 8138 Robert Coover 359 1969 English fiction, print, multilinear, fantasy, postmodernism 200071, 20001163, 2000824, 2000715, 2000711
Pricksongs and Descants 13853 Robert Coover 359 1969   postmodernism, fiction, fairytales, intertextuality 2000711, 200071, 20008829, 2000227
Sexing the Cherry 13856 Jeanette Winterson 13854 1989   intertextuality, postmodernism, feminism 2000227, 2000711, 2000716
Breakfast of Champions 13859 Kurt Vonnegut 13857 1973 English intertextuality, diegesis, postmodernism 2000227, 20006327, 2000711
Nio 817 Jim Andrews 778 2001 English animation, audio, music, Shockwave, textual instrument, combinatorial, QuickTime, documentary 200022, 2000306, 2000351, 2000390, 2000391, 2000458, 2000603, 2000419
Project for Tachistoscope [Bottomless Pit] 1406 William Poundstone 649 2005 English audio, time-based, image, essay/creative non-fiction, subliminal, iconography, concrete poetry, avant-garde, narrative, visualization, media 2000306, 2000602, 2000696, 2000982, 20001031, 20001032, 200016, 2000641, 200013, 2000626, 2000917


elmcip commented 4 years ago

That's what we wanted.