FOLIO adds 952 fields to the MARC that represent holdings information (one 952 per item). This is very important information at harvest time since we examine item/call-number data when calculating some facets, but it can be confusing to see on the "staff view" that renders the MARC via a GUI. Additionally, the 952 contains some location info from FOLIO that we prefer not to show publicly.
We need a way to selectively hide the 952 values from the staff view of the MARC.
It looks like VuFind uses an XSL file to define the transformations from MARC XML to the HTML that renders that staff view. So we just need to alter that with an empty transformation for the 952 datafields.
FOLIO adds 952 fields to the MARC that represent holdings information (one 952 per item). This is very important information at harvest time since we examine item/call-number data when calculating some facets, but it can be confusing to see on the "staff view" that renders the MARC via a GUI. Additionally, the 952 contains some location info from FOLIO that we prefer not to show publicly.
We need a way to selectively hide the 952 values from the staff view of the MARC.