Center-of-Imaging-Biomarker-Development / chp_seg

Segmentation tool for the delineation and volumetric quantification of the choroid plexus
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Example command #1

Closed yoonchoi-neuro closed 4 months ago

yoonchoi-neuro commented 10 months ago

Dear github master,

First of all, thank you for sharing such a useful tool. I followed all the instructions to apply the tool to images, but it is a bit hard to use the command for people not familiar with docker.
Can you please give any specific command example?

Thank you.

hettk commented 10 months ago

Dear Yoonchoi-neuro,

Thank you for your interest in testing our tool and providing us some valuable feedback, we will work on providing a more descriptive guideline to use the software with Docker.

I will use your last message to give some examples. The previous missing element was the

sudo docker run -v /hdd2/ABIDE/image_data_T1/:/data/in -v /hdd2/ABIDE/test/:/data/out kilianhett/chp_seg:1.0.0 --sequence_type T1 --name_pattern ABIDE

Thank you, Kilian

tobias-kaufmann commented 5 months ago

Dear Kilian Thanks for the helpful descriptions. Could you elaborate also on the text output of the software? The last line returns “Total volume = xxxx voxels”. When I compare this to the output of 'fslstats -V' (number of non-zero voxels in mask / volume of mask in mm3) I see that the values do not align. So what is the last line of the text output referring to? Thanks!

CenterImagingBiomarkerDevelopment commented 4 months ago

Hello Tobias,

The output was a remaining code to monitor the segmentation. It has no value as it corresponds to the number of voxels of the mask before back-transformation to the native input scan space.

Also, I wanted to let you know that we just released a software upgrade version. We corrected this confusing point and extended the estimation of the volume for the right and left ChP in addition to the total volume. Finally, the software now generates automatically volumetric reports in CSV format.

Best, Kilian

kaufmannlab commented 4 months ago

Excellent - thanks, Kilian! I tested the new version - works like a charm.

CenterImagingBiomarkerDevelopment commented 4 months ago

I'm happy to hear it. I pushed small fixes to make the code more robust, don't hesitate to pull the docker again if you want to have the last version.

I am closing this thread.

Kind regards, Kilian